Andorra Covenant in 1220

Misc Info

Season: Summer
Established: Originally in 807, revitalized in 1111
Location: Andorra, in the Eastern Pyrenees
Symbol: a Coat of Arms featuring a Griffon grappling with a Dragon (the dragon is on the right, red on a field of white; the griffon is on the left, white on a field of red).


Magic 5


The Covenant of Andorra is a small castle nestled in the Eastern Pyrenees, atop a small plateau in the Parish of Ordino overlooking the village of Arans (close to Vallnord). They hold alodial title to their land, as the villagers down below also hold title to theirs. The covenant lies in disputed jurisdiction. When originally founded, it was part of what was then known as the Val-Negra Tribunal. However, it was not assigned a new designation when the Grand Tribunal divided Val-Negra into the Iberian and Provencal Tribunals. The Quaesitores have ruled that neither has the authority to force a decision, and the matter must be resolved by the Grand Tribunal if they won’t choose willingly
The covenant also has a historic connection with the Knights of Seneca, a societates of House Flambeau that rediscovered and revitalized Andorra in the early twelfth century. The connections that drew them here are tenuous, a partial mixture of myth and legend. But Andorra is home to their nominal leader, the “Grandmaster”, Archmagus Antonio Perez of Flambeau. Still, this is only one facet of the covenant’s existence. They are also an established Mercere House, safeguarding a portion of that House’s resources and serving as a way station of sorts.

Living conditions are +2 for mundanes, +3 for magi.


Too long and convoluted, it is depicted here

Boons & Hooks :

Unknown -9

  • -3 x 3 Unknown: The Unknown Hook is reserved at least three times so players can design and run stories of their choosing

Site +3

  • +2 Aura: The Covenant is situated in a Magic Aura of 5
  • +1 Difficult Access: The covenant is built atop a rocky plateau, overlooking the village of Arans. It can be approached by a long road alongside the cliff, which makes it pretty well secure. However, the mountains soar higher still and overlook the plateau.
  • +1 Healthy Feature: Clean Mountain Air
  • +1 Seclusion: The covenant is located in a remote portion of a remote principality.
  • +1 Vivid Environment: The castle, village, and the surrounding wilderness are examples of stunning picturesque beauty.
  • -3 Faerie Regio and Fallen Temple: This combines a three Minor Hooks. Around the other side of the mountain, in a network of caves, there is another Regio that has a Faerie Aura. This is an Unseelie and Dark Faerie aura, and deep within those caves there is evidence of some ancient unholy religion. The Basques used to worship a Chthonic goddess named Mari. Her symbol is painted on walls, as well as that of Suggar, her dark lover. There are other glyphs, symbols, and paintings representing animalistic and elemental forces. Lore states that one magus, Gygax of Bonisagus, discovered terrible occult secrets when he explored the Caverns of Entropy, and he went stark raving mad. Since then, the activities of the faeries has been increasing. The Latin term is Cobalineus, but in common parlance the term Kobold or Goblin is used. There are others too; cave dwelling ogres, troglodytes, serpents, and more. They like to come out at night, especially on unholy days (that's what the people call them). (Regio -1, Faerie Aura -1, Fallen Temple -1)

Fortification +2

  • +3 Curtain Walls & Mural Towers: The covenant consists of a hall keep, an inner and an outer bailey, an inner gate house barbican, an outer gate of two towers, and seven other towers. There are also numerous interior buildings. The main keep is built atop the old ruins, and incorporates elements of them in its structure (columns, sculpture, etc).
  • +1 Writ of Crenellation: This is part of the grant Matthias had given Maxamillian
  • +1 Artillery: On top of the towers, the covenant has ballistae rigged to be able to aim at aerial targets. They have been attacked by flying opponents in the past.
  • -3 Castle: This is a castle after all.

Resources +6

  • +0 Base Income: Agriculture from the village below is the primary source of income. The villagers each own their own properties and parcels of land, but also provide the employment for the covenant’s fields.
  • +1 Additional Income: The covenant owns a silver mine located nearby in the village of Argent. A separate mundane mining guild operates the mine, and the magi are totally hands off. However, the magi maintain loyalty and control through agents it has in the town and in the guild leadership.
  • +1 Additional Income: The covenant also makes money off of rents
  • +1 Wealth: Agriculture revenue is increased due to superior quality produce, and the production of excellent wine and olive oil.
  • +1 Additional Income: The covenant owns a silver mine located nearby.
  • +1 Vis Grant: Each member receives an annual grant of vis from the covenant's stores. The base grant is 3pvt per year or 6pvf (1pvt = 2pvf). Additional vis is paid for specific services rendered to the covenant, equaling at least 3pvf if the duty occupies a whole season. The covenant offers a strait 1:1 exchange rate for it's members, and can take grants, payments, and exchanges in whatever Art they choose (2pvf = 1pvt).
  • +2 Hidden Resources: The covenant has at least five hundred points of resources that are unaccounted for. These includes books not properly cataloged, magical artifacts stored in unknown locations, and all manners of unknown junk. Not all of it is useful. Some of it might even be dangerous, and this should be a Hook. But it isn't
  • -1 Regional Produce: The exceptional quality of the local vineyards is causing the area to develop a prestigious reputation for its wine. Aristocrats have begun to treat nearby Vallnord as a seasonal resort village because of the wine over there.

Residents +0

  • +3 Elite Custos: The covenant maintains a contingent of veteran elite custos. They are highly trained, well equipped and well paid specialists. The covenant has the equipment and resources to arm them as needed, favoring a flexible soldier able to act in a small unit centered on a single magus, as well as combined with other similar units (a Wizard’s Lance). The covenant places a high value on their fighting men, and they are very well cared for. Andorra is one of only a handful of covenants that are willing to spend vis to provide magical healing and longevity rituals for their grogs. Key officers are equipped with enchanted items of various utility as well. All members of the Andorran Guard were already veterans before they were recruited into this elite group. They are equally capable as footmen or horsemen, and their further training teaches them how to deal with the specific unique challenges they must face. A custos of Andorra is created like any other grog, save that they must take the Minor Social Status Virtue of Andorran Guard. This includes the character’s status as a Custos, plus also includes the Warrior Virtue and the Flaw of Vow; an Oath of Loyalty and Obedience sworn to the covenant. Companions may take this Social status as well.
  • +1 Famous Residents: Archmagus Antonio is an NPC. He is the filius of the infamous and now deceased Coronado Cortez of Flambeau. His mentor, Fuego Conflagaratius, was a member of Andorra, and upon completion of his Gauntlet, Antonio was offered his space (Fuego moved on to become a member of other famous covenants). Rodrigo of Mercere is a legend within his house. Having originally been a Redcap, he miraculously developed the Gentle Gift in his middle age and has led a career of adventure and fame ever since.
  • +1 Loyal Covenfolk: Prosperity and good treatment go a long way.
  • +1 Strong Community: This is the natural result of living in an isolated region such as this. Everyone in the covenant and the village of Arans know each other, and this is common throughout the parish of Ordino.
  • -1 Alienable Lands: The covenant has no choice about this. Just as they own their land, the people of the village that supports them own their lands as well. They can sell, rent, mortgage, or buy lands. They owe the covenant neither rent nor service, it is merely a beneficial economic arrangement. They work their lands for their own benefits and they tend the covenant vineyards for wages.
  • -3 Mercere House: Rodrigo of Mercere was a gifted member of his House, who was a Redcap that discovered his Gentle Gift late in life. A member of Andorra since he was an apprentice, he became manager over certain magical resources of House Mercere that are stored here. They maintain a residence for Redcaps to rest as they travel between tribunals and to store certain materials. It is in fact House Mercere that has suppressed the issue of Andorra’s Tribunal allegiance from coming to a head, as this way-station has been quite useful to them. However, Rodrigo is missing, and House Mercere is considering whether to insist they take on another Mercere magus as a new member or to withdraw their resources (and support) from the covenant.
  • -1 Rights & Customs: The traditions of the covenfolk are intertwined with that of the village, and go back for centuries. In some ways, the covenfolk have more control than the magi. This is part of the reason why their Custos are treated so exceptionally well, and they expect the magi to invest vis in their health care. A grog that gets his hand chopped off gets it restored with ritual magic, and officers receive Longevity potions. And as mentioned above, covenfolk do not serve out of obligation, but because they are paid wages and treated well. In addition, an ex-officio vote is granted to certain key covenfolk (such as the Autocrat and the Captain of the Guard).
  • -1 Superiors: Though Antonio does not act like he is a superior, the covenant’s charter grants him broad power and authority as the most senior member. He does act independently and is liberal with the covenant’s resources, but he leaves everyone to their own designs for the most part and is often away on some mysterious quest or adventure. Rodrigo is also an Elder, but he maintains the traditions and has a private agreement with Antonio concerning the position of House Flambeau and the Knights of Seneca. Marcellus is technically the third eldest, though he holds no official designated status as of yet.

External Relations +4

  • +3 Autocephalous: This pretty much defines the mundane political situation of the entire principality.
  • +3 Exceptional Book: The covenant has several exceptional books, but the very best one of them is their copy of Bonisagus’ Liberi de Creatione (Creo Summa, L20, Q15).
  • +1 Benefice: The covenant owns the church down below in the village. The current priest is a retired Templar and an old friend of Antonio.
  • +1 Hermetic Prestige: This is due to the acclaim of past (and current) magi. Although this reputation reflects well upon members of the covenant, it also means that more is expected of them.
  • -1 Missing Founder: Usually either Antonio or Rodrigo is missing, sometimes both. It will be a running theme. Rodrigo was missing for seven years because of Twilight. He recently returned, but Antonio is now off on some mysterious adventure in Laconia. Rodrigo has also left on a trip to Italy with his son Florenzo of Jerbiton.
  • -3 Tribunal Border: This was mentioned earlier, whether Andorra lies in the jurisdiction of the Provencal or Iberian Tribunal is a disputed matter.

Surroundings -6

  • +1 Hidden Ways/u]: Representing the many various mountain paths
  • -1 Legendary Site: The covenant is geographically close to old Val-Negra, and though it can't be reached geographically, this will have an immediate and dramatic impact on the saga. The rating is elevated from Minor to Major because of this
  • -1 Monster: There is an Elder Dragon that lives within a few weeks travel through rough mountain passes (via flight or teleportation it isn't all that far at all). This is Sigmundo of the Pyrenees, Dragon of the Tome. Sigmundo lives in a massive cave deep underground in twisting tunnels. He commands numerous drakes in the vicinity, some of them his offspring, and has control over other interesting creatures as well. He is a well educated dragon, and himself has a massive library of academic and arcane knowledge. His favorite subjects include Philosophiae, Magic Lore, and Legendary Sagas (Area or Organization Lore). He is able to change shape and can take on a human form. The magi are advised to steer clear of him, he is too powerful and too crafty. Antonio thinks he could take him. He has fought and slain larger dragons, but not one as wise or as old. He thinks the dragon is an interesting resource to have nearby, and doesn’t want to confront him just yet.
  • -1 Monster: There is a rather foul tempered giant that lives on another nearby mountain. His name is Alberto the Terrible, and he lives in a sturdy stone castle that is atop the mountain peak and covered by storm clouds. Alberto has a retinue of Storm Ogres that garrison his castle. One time the magi attacked the castle and indirectly caused the death of Alberto's cousin, Humberto the Huge.
  • -1 Monster: The Efreet Khyron, Malik of the Arc of Fire, has an eternal grudge with the magi of Andorra. Once, Antonio defeated him by draining all of his might into Ignem vis, and they thought him slain. In the battle against Humberto the Huge, Antonio botched while using this Ignem vis in spell casting. He avoided Twilight, but the result of the botch was that Khyron reconstituted himself. The Efreet killed Humberto and fled. Where he is no one knows, but he plots his revenge. The lordship of Arc of Fire was absorbed by his cousin Zhakkar, Sultan of the Scarlet Sand. They bitterly hate each other and he isn't hiding out there. Zhakkar hates the magi, but he hates his cousin three times as much.
  • -1 Protector: The covenant is responsible for the protection of the village below. Examples of times when the magi have been called upon include the time when bandits kidnapped the daughter of Pedro the Elder (a prominent villager), and of course the one time when a werewolf was terrorizing the village.


  • Type of Governance: Democracy layered over an old Hierarchy
  • Prevailing Loyalty: +4/+6 (Base -44, +30 Loyal Covenfolk, +20 Living Conditions, +20 Equipment, +10 Salary, +10 Pension, +10 Captain, +5 Chamberlain, +5 Steward; = 46; +44 Acclimation = 110)
  • Magi: Antonio Perez of Flambeau, Grandmaster of the Knights of Seneca (Pontifex), Rodrigo of Mercere (Pontifex), Inigo Elezar”Xalbador” of Flambeau, a Commander of the Knights of Seneca, Carmen Perez of Flambeau (Mistress), Dimir Taar of Verditius (Master), Marcellus Glacius of Flambeau (Master), Marie of Tytalus (Mistress), Viola of Merinita (Mistress), Ameline Ex-Miscellanea (Journeywoman) Lejla of Mercere (Journeywoman), Ludovico of Tytalus (Journeyman), Txatxu Ex Miscellanea (Journeyman), Valentino of Flambeau (Journeyman), Vares of Flambeau (Journeyman), Octavius of Tremere (Master, resigned), Decimus of Mercere (Master, resigned), Frederique “Fuego” of Flambeau (former member and NPC)
  • Companions: Alexandro Perez the Captain (Pre +2, Leadership 8 ), Chamberlain (+5), Steward (+5), Golda the Seeress (Antonio’s mistress and Carmen’s mother), Maria Perez (Antonio’s estranged wife), Ian MacNaught the Doppelganger, Jehan the apprentice Redcap, Father Clemente Gonzoles the former Templar, Ezio the Woodsman,
  • Specialists: Trainers, Scribes, Librarians, Craftsmen, and etceteras
  • Covenfolk: Astrid the Black Cat, Moe the veteran sergeant, Edward of Leicester, Elias the Barber, Maria the Wise Woman, Armando the sergeant, Augusto the sergeant, Carlos, Javier, Oscar, Alberto, Alonso, Bartolomé, Camilo, Jorge, Elena, Esteban
  • Horses and Livestock: about twenty horses and various other livestock


  • Mercere House: The Inhabitants and other expenses of the Mercere House are figured into the costs and expenditures of the covenant. However, they contribute to Rents, in addition to other fees, providing both a portion of Income and Savings. The Mercere House keeps a separate ledger for its own money and vis.
  • Total Gross Income (before expenditure): 750£/year (three sources of income each upgraded to Greater; actual amounts per source varied for flavour)
  • Noteworthy Expenditures or Cost Savings:
  • Expenditures: 761£ (62£ Buildings, 124£ Consumables, 47£ Laboratories, 310£ Provisions, 186£ Wages (3£ per ten point for good pay with pension), 10.25£ Armaments, 20£ Writing Materials, 1.75Tips & Pound of Enumerus)
    • 620 points of Inhabitants (60 for twelve magi, 150 for fifty elite custos, 60 for a score of specialists and craftsmen (eight scribal), 120 for sixty other covenfolk (twenty laborers), 20 for 20 Horses; 150 for seventy-five servants, 60 for thirty Teamsters
    • 470 points of Laboratories
    • 3280 points of Weapons (includes up to full armour for anyone plus five pieces of artillery)
  • Cost Savings: -211£ (-20£ Laborers, -30£ Craftsmen, 50£ Mouse Mercere expenses, -111£ Magic)
  • Total Expenditure: 550£
  • Total Net Income (after expenditure): 200 £/year
  • Sources of Income: Vinyards (Agriculture, 200£), Rents (Money, 250£), Silver (Mining, 300£)
  • Lands and Possessions: Castle, Vineyards, Silver Mine, a few cottages in the village, a townhouse in Barcelona
  • Noteworthy Mundane Items: Quality Armaments (Toledo steel, chain mail, variant and customized armaments, etceteras), Artillery pieces (ballistae and light catapults, mounted strategically on towers), Lots of stuff (like a little city, or a well equipped covenant), Lots of other stuff
  • Noteworthy Weapons or Armour: The Andorran Guard can custom outfit themselves as they choose and/or as needed.


  • Vis Sources: (700rp)

Overall, Andorra brings in an average of 200pvf annually (actual breakdown equals 60pvt & 80pvf, equaling 140 pawns altogether). Since the covenant has an even exchange rate through the Mercere House, that is all that is important to note for the sake of easy bookkeeping.

  • Vis Stocks: Plenty

Noteworthy places

Archives of old crap


The old original Charter of Andorra has some strange language. The modern covenant operates according to a system of by-laws, many times more expansive and comprehensive than the original charter and old laws. However, the by-laws and new codes get their force and authority from that old original charter.

All I am really getting at is that there are old goofy archaic titles that no body uses anymore.



The Pontifex is the senior magus of the covenant. Bishops are appointed to oversee certain specific interests and concerns. The By-Laws replaced these titles with more direct and clear labels, Librarian, Quartermaster, and so forth. So, I want to know who wants to take on which responsibility? In other words, you would assist me in the book keeping in various aspects of he covenant. It could be your character who directly oversees this responsibility, or they hire and direct a specialist to do it.

A rough brainstorm of different “Bishoprics” is as follows…


Dimir Taar is the natural selection for this one, but Fixer has to accept it willingly (and someone else might want it). It is the Quartermaster’s responsibility to catalogue and maintain storage of all the miscellaneous magical items in the covenants possession. There is a lot of stupid small stuff already, like magic lanterns, animated ropes, +1 longswords (I had to say it), and crap like that. There was a flying carpet somewhere, but no one knows who used it last. Anyway, I want everyone to put in a list of suggested magic items that we have on hand. Some may have been made by Divim Taar, many more were made by magi before him and a number are trophies or treasures from ages past and recent days. Your unique items are still your unique items. I am talking about stuff that other magi made. And for some, the instructions of use were long ago lost and they need to be investigated. I said before, Hidden Resources can be a Story Hook as well as a Boon.

Head Librarian

I obviously need better titles. I just wanted to reflect a subtle switch from using Latin as they did in the old days to using vernacular in the current day. In our case, vernacular is Catalan, but I don’t know Catalan so I use English
Anyway, the Head Librarian would be only just now taking over from Florenzo, and working closely with him as well. As a player, you would help me figure out a way to best display the full library. I am thinking of taking greater advantage of the Wiki that Fixer made for us. But I am stupid when it comes to computers. So I need someone to send my materials to that can also take some of the burden of our wiki off of Fixer. Please? You get to insert books of special interest to your character as a special reward for your efforts

Energy Minister

Who wants to invent better titles for me? Anyways, I need to set up our vis stocks and resources. I am not worried about accounting money. That I will handwave and say we have enough to live nicely. Vis needs accounting though. I am not so much worried about the Art or substance of the vis, though we can certainly get into that of course. What I want to do is calculate what our actual annual vis expenditures would realistically be, considering rituals that need renewal, grants and dividends, budgeting for special use, set aside for reserves, etceteras. I will then set our annual income somewhere around there, and ask the troupe what they think a reasonable stockpile is (1 years income? 3 years? 7 years?)

Other Bishoprics

Public Relations? Human Resources Manager? God, my vocabulary fails me. Um, We need a chief militant officer with some fancy title. Andorra was not founded by Flambeau magi, nor have the Flambeau ever been a majority except for a brief period known as the Rekindling (when Andorra was revitalized). But they have always been a major presence, in the old era and in the new. Anyway, Antonio would decline this position as he claims his duties as Senior would conflict with the responsibilities of the (Castilian? Marshall? Centurion?)

This is not the actual Charter, nor is it a substitute charter. It is an overview and description of the charter, and of the accompanying By-Laws derived from it (as evolved through various rulings). The actual charter is written in archaic 9th century Latin with heavy legalese.

The Oath is pretty much intact, and is the same Oath used to this very day. Maxamillian of Jerbiton was the one who founded the covenant back in ancient days, thus it is his name given in the example oath. If you read closely, you will see why we cannot amend or change the charter without endangering our independence.

The Oath of the Covenant of Andorra
Oath of Covenant for the Covenant of Andorra, 946th year of Ares (807th Year of the Lord)

”I, Maxamillian of Jerbiton, do hereby solemnly swear loyalty and obedience to the Hermetic Covenant in Andorra. I pledge my life, my honor, and my sacred fortune to my covenant. I shall share in all of its triumphs and tribulations, for I am bound to my covenant and its fate shall be my own. I shall uphold and protect this covenant, regardless of danger or personal price. I shall never betray my covenant, give aid to its enemies, neglect my duties to it, nor defy any of its laws or rules. I shall respect the rulings of the Concilia, abide by the decisions of the Flamens Concilium, and obey the directives of the Concilium Maximus. I shall deal fairly and honestly with my covenant mates at all times, and shall afford them the respect due their rank and station. I declare my loyalty to the Order of Hermes, having sworn to the Oath of Hermes, and submit myself to the authority of the Tribunal of Val-Negra. This I do hereby promise and swear, on this day of the Summer Solstice in the 946th year of Ares. So mote it be.”

The oath contains some archaic terms that need explanation. In ancient days, Andorra was a much larger covenant, and housed more than twenty members. Concilium is Latin for Council, Concilia for plural. The Grand Council includes all of the members of the covenant, and various smaller councils (sub-committees) ran specific and specialized functions of the covenant. The Flamens Concilium, council of the Flamens, were the ones that ran the covenant and conducted official business. The Concilium Maximus was the council of the Pontifici, and had sole authority to make rules and laws.

Through this authority, the Pontifici created a system of By-Laws that alter the way things function. This was back in 1111a.d. when Francisco Florenzo of Flambeau rediscovered the covenant. He was made a Pontifix by Schroeder of Bonisagus (who then passed into Final Twilight), and began to revitalize and restructure the covenant. Francisco is the reason the Knights of Seneca are entrenched here, after he discovered evidence that Delendos and his sodale Valdarius were once members here.

The Flamens Concilium is what is now simply called the Covenant Council. It is you guys, the Masters. The Concilium Maximus has lent it its authority to make rulings, but reserves the power to make laws for itself. Subtle difference. Basically, the Covenant Council is able to run the covenant as any other council is. They can make rules and regulations, set the budget for money and vis, build things, trade books, negotiate dealings, and etceteras. They can amend the by-laws, but only with the consent of the Pontifici. They cannot alter or amend the charter or make rulings upon it.

The Concilium Maximus is still, in theory, the ultimate authority. As mentioned, they have given much of their exclusive power over to the Flamens. This is done through the system of By-Laws, which they have bound themselves by. Though they still retain some exclusive rights, they do not have the right to overrule the Covenant Council in lawful rulings. Also, they cannot amend the by-laws, though they can propose revisions to be ruled on by the council. This last clause was written into the By-Laws by the last magus to hold the title Pontifex Maximus, Francisco of Flambeau, and cannot be overturn by his successors. The Pontifex Maximus used to be the supreme leader of the covenant, chosen by his peers. Francisco dispensed with this rank, and there has never been more than two Pontifici since then so there is no need for it.

The Pontifici are the only ones that have the authority to make rulings concerning the actual old original charter. In theory, they could amend or change the charter. But they never have and the plan on never doing so. The charter gets its authority from the Val-Negra Tribunal. The Grand Tribunal of 1096 dissolved the Val-Negra Tribunal, dividing it’s covenants between the Provencal and Iberian Tribunals. Andorra was never redistricted because it was overlooked. Quaesitors have ruled that only the Grand Tribunal can force us to make a choice, and it has never come up. Many outsiders see a value in our neutral status; they take advantage of it, and it earns us wealth and security. But anyway, if we were to amend or change the charter, it would force us to choose a Tribunal in order to ratify it.

The Grand Concilium is obsolete, and the various sub-councils as well. The duties of the sub-councils have been given over to the Bishops, Flamens (Masters) who oversee specific functions and concerns of the covenant. For example, Dimir Taar is Bishop of the Armory, or Quartermaster, and is responsible for the collection of assorted enchanted items belonging to the covenant. Viola would be Bishop of Faerie Relations, though so such formal title was ever invented (she was just given the responsibility of dealing with them). Marcellus has given himself the title Arch-Bishop because of his seniority and his arrogance Very Happy.

The revision proposed would bring back the Grand Concilium under the title of General Council. It would be charged with running regular affairs and seeing to common duties. The old system of sub-Councils would not be used, the current Bishopric system is preferred.

See how complicated it is?

Rules for Membership and Member Rankings

The Covenant of Andorra proposes that it shall henceforth have a three-tiered hierarchy of rank and privilege of its membership. These shall be Journeyman, Master, and Elder.

The first rank shall be that of Journeyman, the initial rank of a new member.
• They shall have the privileges and duties as due a Hermetic Magus sworn to the Oath of Covenant. They shall be provided space to establish a lab and a sanctum sanctorum
• They shall have a full and equal vote at all regular meetings of the General Council.
• They shall have all of their living expenses paid for, and they shall be outfitted and equipped as needed (up to a limit of 40£ annual expenses).
• They shall have access to the equipment and resources of the covenant through the services and discretion of the covenant Steward, and to servants and specialists as needed through the services and discretion of the covenant Chamberlain.
• They shall have access to the General Library as they will, and they may borrow a number of tomes as permitted by the Head Librarian. They shall have access to the Exclusive Library through the services and discretion of the head Librarian. They are not permitted to remove any books from there, and must remain in the common study area when using them.
• They shall have a Vis Salary valued at 3 pawns v.t. per year, provided that they fulfill duties in service to the covenant equivalent to one season of labor per year. An equivalent or lesser salary may be provided for equivalent or lesser duties that do not take up a full season of time yet still demand the resources and attention of the magus. Expenses incurred as a result of fulfilling one’s obligation shall be taken care of by the covenant. A magus may forgo duty, in which case they shall receive no vis salary and must instead pay Vis Dues of 1 pawn v.t. for that year.
• Acceptance of a member at the rank of Journeyman requires a two-thirds vote of approval by a quorate General council. Prior to that, they are a Petitioner (pledge), and they must wait for a period of at least one season and no more than one year, while they are inspected and tested (hazing). In order to petition, they must first have a sponsor who is a member magus. A petition may be refused by a Pontifex, but otherwise the council is obligated to vote on the matter.
• A petitioner is subject to Intellego Inspection by an Inquisitor designated by the council of Masters.
• A Journeyman is subject to Trial as a voluntary condition of their membership. A Trial is to be conducted to investigate any accusations of breech of the Oath & Code or the Laws of this covenant, and to settle legal disputes between members. The allegation or accusation must be made by another member, and the Trial must be mandated by a vote of the Master’s council or a decree of a Pontifex. The Trial is to be presided over by a Pontifex or the senior most Master present, and is to be voted upon by the Masters and Pontifici who each hold an equal vote not subject to proxy or certamen. At Trial, a Journeyman may be subject to Inspection via Intellego magic is the matter concerns allegations of a breech of law. A unanimous decision is required for conviction, which carries the penalty of expulsion or an agreed upon alternate penalty.

The second rank is that of Master, a title that all of the current members already possess.
• They have all of the aforementioned rights and privileges due a Journeyman member, plus those additional ones noted below. In addition, a member who holds the rank of Master has the right to the title of Flamen, and may also choose to append their name with the title Magnus.
• They shall have a full and equal vote in the general council, and they may call an exclusive council of Masters at their discretion.
• They shall have a sufficiently higher stipend for their expenses, lifestyle, outfitting and equipment (up to 120£ annually).
• They shall have access to the services of the Steward and Chamberlain for all of their needs pertaining to mundane resources, servants, specialists, and so forth. They may also act upon their own will and discretion in these matters.
• They shall have full access to both the General and Exclusive Libraries. They may add or remove books as they choose to the general library, they may add books to the exclusive library, and through the services and discretion of the Head Librarian they may borrow books from the exclusive library.
• They shall each be granted an allowance of vis valued at 4 pawns v.t. per year. No labor or effort is required of them in exchange for this. It is their due.
• A Master may take on additional labors and responsibilities as directed and entitled under the auspices of an office established by a directive of the council of Masters or decree by a Pontifix. They shall be afforded the authority and resources to fulfill their duties, and shall be given additional salary and privilege as is due their efforts.
• To be elevated to the rank of Master, a Journeyman must first petition the council of Masters. The petition must be sponsored by three Masters or a Pontifex, and the petitioner must meet the qualifications of having been a Hermetic Magus for at least 7 years and a member of the covenant for at least 3 years. Once a petition has been read, the Masters have one full turn of seasons in which to make their decision. In that time, they are to try the candidate by administering a test meant to challenge both their mind and their magic. Acceptance requires a unanimous vote by the council of Masters. The Pontifici may participate in the discussion, but in this circumstance they are not permitted a vote. The Masters alone choose who their fellow Masters shall be.
• A Master is subject to Trial as noted above, to investigate any accusations of breech of the Oath & Code or the Laws of this covenant, and to settle legal disputes between members. This is a voluntary condition of membership. The Council of Masters decide whether or not a trial shall be convened, and a Pontifex or senior most Master must preside over the Trial. The matter is voted upon by the Masters and Pontifici who each hold an equal vote which is not subject to proxy or certamen. At Trial, a Master may be subject to Inspection via Intellego magic is the matter concerns allegations of a breech of law. A Master has the right to refuse Inspection and demand a Trial by Challenge. The accused may choose Certamen, Dimicatio, or Wizard’s Melee. Another form of Challenge may be agreed upon by the Masters. This challenge is administered by a champion chosen by the Masters, though a Pontifex may reserve this right for himself. If the accused fails the challenge, he must submit himself to Intellego Inspection. If they are triumphant, the trial must proceed without forfeiture of immunity. A unanimous decision is required for conviction, which carries the penalty of expulsion or an agreed upon alternate penalty. Masters may not be demoted to Journeymen, it is more honorable to be expelled with the title of Flamen intact.

The highest rank is that of Pontifex, which carries broad power and authority. Antonio and Rodrigo hold this rank according to the laws of the original charter, and not much of anything is changed about this rank. They also hold the Rank of Master and participate in the council of Masters, with exceptions as noted above. They also hold a private council amongst themselves, and operate according to the code set forth in the charter and old laws. The preferred Parlance for members of this rank is Elder, but they have the right to call themselves Pontifex and Cardinal. They may draw upon the resources of the covenant as they will according to their own discretion. The only way to become a Pontifex is to be invited and elevated by the council of the Pontifici.

v.t. = vis tenta, “persistent vis”, vis associated with a Technique.
v.f. = vis forma, “formed vis”, vis associated with a Form.
At an equal exchange rate, 1v.t. equals 2v.f. and visa versa.

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