Andorra Covenant in 1234


The Principality of (Mythic) Andorra, centered on the castle at Andorra La Vella, was established by Charlemagne as one of the Spanish Marches created as a barrier against a Muslim invasion. According to tradition, the Andorrans were granted sovereignty over their lands as a reward for valiant and stalwart service against the Muslims. However, in time Andorra and her sovereignty were forgotten about by the outside world. On occasion, the Counts of Urgel (in Spain) and Toulouse (in France) allege lordship over Andorra, sometimes squabbling over their disputed claims. Neither has ever visited though, and they are not likely to press their claim anytime soon (IRL, the historic Andorra was designated as a jointly ruled status sometime in the 1260's, but other than paying lip service to it, they remain independent and govern their own affairs to this very day in the 21st century).

Maxamillian of Jerbiton was one of the Andorran people at that time, and with his Gentle Gift, he covertly assisted the Knights of Charlemagne in their battle. Maxamillian was thought of as more aggressive than other magi of his House, mainly because of his background as a knight. The lore of Andorra, as recorded, occasionally makes the mistake of referring to him as Maxamillian of Flambeau. Though he did have many associations with that House, he had never joined them (nor did he desire too). However, some descendants of his magical lineage did migrate over to House Flambeau, and at times they distorted the record of history.
In the spirit of the self sovereign culture that was the gift of Charlemagne, Maximillian claimed allodial title over the site of an old Roman ruin, a fallen temple with a magic aura. He also invested in the town of Arans, buying up property and hiring on villagers as employees & retainers. He built a tiny keep on the site of the aura, along a mountain plateau that overlooks the town. Since then, the keep has grown into a small castle, and is well fortified with mundane and magical reinforcement. However, though it is a castle, is situated so remotely that it isn’t considered a threat by any means. And we are not the only alodial property owners to build fortified homes in these mountains. And, as an allod, he was able to lawfully designate the covenant as a whole as his rightful heirs.

Mirroring events of the mundane world, the tribunal jurisdiction of Andorra is in dispute. When first established in 807, they were originally part of the Val-Negra Tribunal; and in fact they have the only existing unmodified charter granted by Val-Negra. The Duresca Charter was also issued by Val Negra, but was modified and amended by the Grand Tribunal ruling to be placed in the jurisdiction of Iberia. Andorra was never reassigned jurisdiction when the Grand Tribunal ordered the partition of 1096. The reason for this is because covenant ha slipped into the obscurity of winter. They had lost contact with the outside world during the Schism War, and no one had heard from them in almost a century.

Their isolation did not last long thereafter though. Though it languished in winter and was all but forgotten, the Light was never extinguished. They were rediscovered in 1111 AD by a magus named Francisco Florenzo of Flambeau. He and a few members of his societates, the Knights of Seneca, came to Andorra while on the trail to uncover the truth behind some of their own legends. Apparently the parens of Valdarius of Flambeau was Gregorio of Verditius, who had been a member of Andorra. Valdarius, founder of that lineage within the Knights of Seneca, had renounced his original House during the Schism War, accusing them of timid inaction and double dealing. He was the amicus of Delendos of Flambeau, and together they founded the Knights of Seneca during the Schism War. Allegedly they both used Andorra as a strategic retreat during the War, and the artifacts and manuscripts discovered here indicate that this was indeed true.
When first rediscovered, all the magi of Andorra had all passed into mortality or twilight. All save one that is, a magus named Schroeder of Bonisagus. Ancient and twilight scarred, he greeted the newcomers as if he had been expecting them, and threw wide open the doors of the withered legacy of a once great covenant. Infused with new blood, the Council of the Covenant of Andorra reconstituted itself under his authority. They all affirmed their allegiance and swore the Oath of the ancient covenant’s Charter. Schroeder passed into Final Twilight shortly thereafter, but the Covenant of Andorra was rejuvenated with a New Spring.

As mentioned above, Quaesitors have ruled that only the Grand Tribunal has the authority to force a decision on them. Other pressures could be brought to bear, but so far no one seems to be too concerned with the matter and it seems beneath the notice of the Grand Tribunal. Political savvy has allowed them to manage well thus far. If any magus of theirs causes a transgression, they will resolve it in the Tribunal in which it occurred. If another magus transgresses against one of them, they take the matter to the Tribunal of the offender. They must maintain vigilance, lest an enemy use this quirk again them, or worse yet, lest an internal conflict disrupt this delicate balance.

Andorra *was* rich in many resources; ancient, old, and new.
Some items that were in their collection of texts and artifacts dated back to the early days of the Order, and the Knights of Seneca brought many items with them from the dissolved Covenant of Valencia. But much of this is now gone. An attack from an unknown assailant has occurred recently (1230), while many members were away on personal business. They returned to discover the covenfolk were all dead or missing, and the Archmagus Antonio had gone missing. In addition, many of the aformentioned treasures and relics were plundered. Their vis stocks were also plundered, material wealth taken, and the library caught fire.
But Andorra is still wealthy in secure resources. Though the vis they stored was taken, their vis sources were unaffected. However, without the Mercere house associated with the covenant, they will loose the benefit of the 1-to-1 trading ratio they had enjoyed. A ratio of 2-to-1 is the norm, but it may be possible to negotiate more favorable terms once stocks have grown again (as the Mercere need a variety to continue their profitable trade). The same is true for their mundane resources. Though robbed of silver as well as gold & priceless jewels, most of the covenant money is outside the castle; invested in property and kept in Mercere banks. None of this was affected by the raiders.

The Covenant has vacillated between various interests and allegiances for some time now, and they may be soon forced to make some serious decisions. House Flambeau has always been a presence, but the irony is that the majority of members are usually from other Houses. The Flambeau societas known as the Knights of Seneca is the main source of that influence, legend claiming that this was once the home of two of their founding members; Delendos of Flambeau and Valdarius formerly of Verditius but turned Flambeau during the Schism War (he accused his house mates of timid inaction and double dealing). The Senecans come and go, and usually one or more become members of the covenant. But they are not based here. Members of the Knights of Seneca in the 13th century are scattered throughout a handful of other covenants such as Doisettepp, Campus Ares, Para Belli, Novus Mane, Mons Electi, and etceteras.
House Mercere has also traditionally been a strong influence, and for a long time a Mercere house was based here along with at least one Mercere magus covenant member. But it appears that those days are over, unless the magi can convince the Mercere to return and reinvest (in the attack, though all of their staff and personelle were also slain or gone missing, none of the resources stored in their private vault were touched.

The recent history of Andorra has also been quite active. Leaving aside the famous exploits of the missing Archmagus, the magi of modern Andorra have been involved in magical discoveries and legendary achievements. They formed an expedition that discovered lost Val-Negra and met with the ghosts of magi that still dwell there. They also flushed the renegade known as Metron out of hiding, and eventually tracked him down. Metron was stripped of his power and brought to Duresca by Octavian of Tremere so that the rogue could face a just trial. Metron now sits rotting in a dungeon cell (a wizard's prison), languishing in remorse for his past crimes and praying for the Lord to have mercy on him. The magi also mounted an expedition to the fabled Arc of Fire, and liberated a city of jinn from a tyranical efreet (or so the story recorded by Rodrigo of Mercere claims).
The current state of affairs is as mentioned above, the covenant was recently attacked and raided, and their eldest magus disappeared. But Andorra carries on. The covenant council, called to order by Carmen, set forth a plan to heal and reinvigorate themselves. This has not been that difficult as of yet, for as mentioned, most of the covenant's wealth and resources were outside of the castle. What is really needed now is to repopulate. To that end, a call of recruitment has gone out. And as always, new magi are drawn to the call. Hiring new covenfolk is more of a challenge, for though they can find many loyal laborers in Arans (who will work for wages), they lack specialists and veterans.
This is the current goal of the covenant, restore and rebuild stronger than ever before.

One more glitch. The old original charter issued by the Val-Negra tribunal, that legal document which was never invalidated and delcares their independent status. It is missing. Doubtful that it was stolen, this priceless document was likely lost in the fire. Or hidden by the missing Archmagus so well that we will never find it. On the positive side: all the old archaic rules and ranks are gone, swept away. The by-laws document, based on said charter, is being rewritten. But still, it is in the covenant's best interest to keep secret the fact that the original charter is missing.


Season: Summer
Established: Originally in 807, revitalized in 1111, then again in 1230.
Members: various
Location: Andorra, in the Eastern Pyrenees
Symbol: a Coat of Arms featuring a Griffon grappling with a Dragon. The dragon is on the right, red on a field of white; the griffon is on the left, white on a field of red (Per pale, gules and argent, a griffon and dragon combatant counterchanged).
Aura: Magic 5

Description: The Covenant of Andorra owns and occupies a small castle nestled in the mountains atop a small plateau overlooking the village of Arans. The covenant of magi owns alodial title to this land and other local poperties, as is the custom in Andoora. Other locals, such as the villagers below and people nearby, own their land as sovereigns as well. But there is a symbiotic relationship beneficial to both. The magi are sworn protectors of the people, and likewise the local folk have come to the aid of the covenant on several occasions. Amongst magi of the Order, the covenant has been noted for prestige and power, and is especially known for its affiliation with House Flambeau (specifically the Knights of Seneca). House Mercere has been a longtime influence as well, and maintain an important Mercere Lodge here. The covenant has suffered more than its share of setbacks, and has survived attacks that would have destroyed lesser institutions. Indeed, as they currently stand (1234), Andorra Covenant is one of the more influential power players in the Pyrenees region of Provencal and Iberia.
The covenant lies in disputed jurisdiction. When originally founded, it was part of what was then known as the Val-Negra Tribunal. However, it was not assigned a new designation when the Grand Tribunal divided Val-Negra into the Iberian and Provencal Tribunals. The Quaesitores have ruled that neither has the authority to force a decision, and the matter must be resolved by the Grand Tribunal if they won't choose willingly. The covenant has managed to avoid a Grand Tribunal ruling so far because of two main reasons. First, this is a very small issue and really not important enough to take up the time of a Grand Tribunal. So Far. Second is that the covenant has thus far managed to play a successful political game. In Provence, they have traditionally had the support of Doisettep, and some covenants in the Pyrenees have toyed with the idea of creating a splinter Catalonia Tribunal along with Andorra and Barcelona. But other Provencal covenants really want to press us into a decision. In Iberia, the covenant has been allies with Barcelona and Estancia Escarida. Barcelona supports the Catalonia plan, and Estancia Escarida helps insure that no vote on a resolution to force a decision is ever brought to the table. Duresca is ambivalent. They do not like the situation, but they support the letter of certain codes and rulings and have made the best of the situation. There are also other Hermetic allies who have seen the advantage of having a safehaven of neutrality to do business (mirroring the Andorra of the real world). These include the Mercere and the Tremere.
The Covenant of Andorra (or Andorra Covenant) takes the name of the wider region to signify they claim Hermetic Authority over the whole of the collected parishes of Andorra. But in reality, they occupy only a single village and manage the resources located in their parish. Expanding their influence, they chose to establish an outpost in the Balearic Islands in partnership with Barcelona Covenant. This precedent, and the lack of Tribunal protection, has exposed the covenants vulnerability to encroachment by Hermetic colonists.History: Long and Convoluted



Boons & Hooks

Unknown -9

(3 x -3) Three Unknown Hooks: The Unknown Hook is reserved at least three times so players can design and run stories of their choosing.

Site +5

+2 Aura: The Covenant is situated in a Magic Aura of 5
+1 Difficult Access: The covenant is built atop a rocky plateau, overlooking the village of Arans. It can be approached by a long road alongside the cliff, which makes it pretty well secure. However, the mountains soar higher still and overlook the plateau.
+1 Healthy Feature: Clean Mountain Air
+1 Mystical Portal: The covenant has established Mercere Portals with Barcelona, Doisettep, and Harco. Through Barcelona, the covenant also connects to their properties in the Baelaric Islands.
+1 Seclusion: The covenant is located in a remote portion of a remote principality.
-1 Regio: There is a magical Regio underneath the covenant, in the catacombs and caverns beyond. The extent of this area and the fact that it is a regio is not quite known, but the covenant has been able to utilize the space. Perhaps Past Masters knew more than we do now. The Eternal Flame, the Ice Cavern, Vault Thirteen, the Magma Chamber, and other odd sites are in this area.

Fortification +3

+3 Curtain Walls & Mural Towers: The covenant consists of a hall keep, an inner and an outer bailey, an inner gate house barbican, an outer gate of two towers, and seven other towers. There are also numerous interior buildings. The main keep is built atop the old ruins, and incorporates elements of them in its structure (columns, sculpture, etc).
+1 Artillery: On top of the towers, the covenant has ballistae rigged to be able to aim at aerial targets. They have been attacked by flying opponents in the past.
+1 Writ of Crenellation: This is part of the culture of the land, no restrictions are placed upon construction.
+1 Vast and Labyrinthine: As mentioned above in the Regio Hook, the catacombs and caverns beneath the covenant are quite extensive. This space is unorganized and underutilized because it rambles on in a chaotic fashion.
-3 Castle: This is a castle after all.

Resources +8

+0 Base Income: Agriculture from the village below is the primary source of income. The villagers each own their own properties and parcels of land, but also provide the employment for the covenant's fields.
+3 Additional Income (multiple sources): The covenant owns a silver mine located nearby in the village of Argent. A separate mundane mining guild operates the mine, and the magi are totally hands off. However, the magi maintain loyalty and control through agents it has in the town and in the guild leadership. The covenant also makes money off of rents fees in Arans and to the Mercere, they are invested in the Salt Mines of Las Salines, they have foreign investments and do a little Hermetic Banking on the side, and more.
+3 Hidden Resources: Taken as a Major Virtue, representing an undetermined amount of minor if stuff we can uncover with a little effort. the most obvious example is our arrangement with Sigmundo.
+3 Wealthy: Agriculture revenue is increased due to superior quality produce, the production of excellent wine and olive oil, silver mining is bountiful, and they have many investments.
+1 Vis Grant: Members of rank automatically receive a certain amount of vis annually as a right.
-1 Regional Produce: The exceptional quality of the local vineyards is causing the area to develop a prestigious reputation for its wine. Aristocrats have begun to treat nearby Vallnord as a seasonal resort village because of the wine over there.
-1 Vis Wages: Low ranking magi must perform duties and services in order to earn a share of vis. Magi of all ranks can also earn greater wages by performing more and more duty.

Residents -5

+1 Loyal Covenfolk: Prosperity and good treatment go a long way.
+1 Strong Community: This is the natural result of living in an isolated region such as this. Everyone in the covenant and the village of Arans know each other, and this is common throughout the parish of Ordino.
-1 Alienable Lands: The covenant has no choice about this. Just as they own their land, the people of the village that supports them own their lands as well. They can sell, rent, mortgage, or buy lands. They owe the covenant neither rent nor service, it is merely a beneficial economic arrangement. They work their lands for their own benefits and they tend the covenant vineyards for wages.
-1 Rights & Customs: The traditions of the covenfolk are intertwined with that of the village, and go back for centuries. In some ways, the covenfolk have more control than the magi. This is part of the reason why their Custos are treated so exceptionally well, and they expect the magi to invest vis in their health care. A grog that gets his hand chopped off gets it restored with ritual magic, and officers receive Longevity potions. And as mentioned above, covenfolk do not serve out of obligation, but because they are paid wages and treated well. In addition, an ex-officio vote is granted to certain key covenfolk (such as the Autocrat and the Captain of the Guard).
+0 Magical Guards: In 1230 and following, Arachné establishes animated mannequins in circles drawn over the parapets. While unable to leave their circle, these can still use crossbows, or defend their station against invaders.

External Relations +0

+3 Autocephalous: This pretty much defines the mundane political situation of the entire principality.
+1 Hermetic Prestige: This is due to the acclaim of past (and current) magi. Although this reputation reflects well upon members of the covenant, it also means that more is expected of them.
-1 Missing Founder: Antonio, Carmen's father, is currently lost in Twilight and it is unknown if he will ever return. In any case, the covenant must cope with the legacy he left behind.
-3 Tribunal Border: This was mentioned earlier, whether Andorra lies in the jurisdiction of the Provencal or Iberian Tribunal is a disputed matter.

Surroundings -2

+1 Hidden Ways: Representing the many various mountain paths
-1 Monster: There is an Elder Dragon that lives within a few weeks travel through rough mountain passes (via flight or teleportation it isn't all that far at all). This is Sigmundo of the Pyrenees, Dragon of the Tome. Sigmundo lives in a massive cave deep underground in twisting tunnels. He commands numerous drakes in the vicinity, some of them his offspring, and has control over other interesting creatures as well. He is a well educated dragon, and himself has a massive library of academic and arcane knowledge. His favorite subjects include Philosophiae, Magic Lore, and Legendary Sagas (Area or Organization Lore). He is able to change shape and can take on a human form. Sigmundo has worked out several treaties with the covenant. Recently, because of the fact that they knew he had Hermetic books in his library, felt compelled to ask him to swear to the Oath of Hermes (using his power to shapechange to assume the guise of a Roman scholar, as he was already fond of doing).
-1 Protector: The covenant is responsible for the protection of the village below.
-1 Caverns of Entropy: Located within a few miles of the covenant, the Caverns of Entropy is a strange and mysterious supernatural site.


Governance: Democracy layered over an old Hierarchy

Prevailing Loyalty: +4 (Base -33, +30 Loyal Covenfolk, +20 Living Conditions, +20 Equipment, +10 Salary, +10 Pension, +10 Captain; = 67)

Magi: (11) Carmen of Flambeau (Pontifex), Arachne Ex-Miscellanea, Fedora of Mercere (Mistress), Guillme of Flambeau (Master), Solomon of Gurnicus, Vibria of Flambeau (Mistress), Vocis of Tremere (Master), Vulcanus of Flambeau (Master), Kesara of Flambeau, Estaban of Jerbiton, Tiana of Mercere

Companions (including Familiars & Apprentices): Alexandro Perez the Captain (Pre +2, Leadership 8 ), Bernhard der Blutig, Mica (apprentice of Vocis), Celeste (familiar of Vocis), Egon (familiar of Vulcanus), Astrid (familiar of Guillme)
Specialists: few
Covenfolk: 12 old guard (Moe, Armando, Carlos, Javier, Oscar, Alberto, Alonso, Jorge, Bartolome, Camillo, Elena, Estaban), 20 new guard (A company of Almogavars from Barcelona), 8 old covenfolk, two-dozen new hires (including teamsters)
LivestockHorses and Livestock: about twenty horses and various other livestock


Mercere House: The Inhabitants and other expenses of the Mercere House are figured into the costs and expenditures of the covenant. However, they contribute to Rents, in addition to other fees, providing both a portion of Income. The Mercere House keeps a separate ledger for its own money and vis.

Total Gross Income (before expenditure):

1200£/year (three souces of income (additional times two) and Wealthy (Major)

Noteworthy Expenditures or Cost Savings:

Expenditures: 761£ (39£ Buildings, 60£ Consumables, 41£ Laboratories, 150£ Provisions, 90£ Wages (3£ per ten point for good pay with pension), 3£ Armaments, 15£ Writing Materials, & 2£ Tips & Pound of Enumerus)
• 300 points of Inhabitants (110 for eleven magi, 15 for companions, 64 for soldiers, 32 for other covenfolk, 29 for animals of various sorts, 50 for servants and teamsters)
• 410 points of Laboratories
• 960 points of Weapons &Armor (32 soldiers with standard partial armor, 20 have standard armaments and 12 have expensive armaments; plus five pieces of artillery and lotss of miscellaneous extra armaments)

Cost Savings: -100£ (-24£ Laborers, -76£ Magic)

Total Expenditure: 300£
Total Net Income (after expenditure): 900 £/year
Sources of Income: Vinyards, Agriculture, Rents, Silver Mining, Investments & Banking

Lands and Possessions

Castle, Vineyards, Silver Mine, a few cottages in the village, a townhouse in Barcelona

Noteworthy Mundane Items

Quality Armaments (Toledo steel swords, chain mail, variant and customized armaments, etceteras), Artillery pieces (ballistae and light catapults, mounted strategically on towers), Lots of stuff (like a little city, or a well equipped covenant), Lots of other stuff
Noteworthy Weapons or Armor: The Andorran Guard can custom outfit themselves as they choose and/or as needed.


Vis Sources: (700rp)

Overall, Andorra brings in an average of 200pvf annually (actual breakdown equals 60pvt & 80pvf, equaling 140 pawns altogether). Since the covenant has an even exchange rate through the Mercere House, that is all that is important to note for the sake of easy bookkeeping.

Vis Stocks:

6p Creo, 10p Ignem, 10p Vim


Summer 1230: Vulc deposited 6p Creo, 10p Ignem, 10p Vim (from the phoenix hatching)

Magical Defenses:

Detection and Warning

- 05 guards are equipped with cloth belts that, when struck firmly or by a blow, produce a loud noise for a Diameter, enough to alert guards to the problem.

Animated Guards

In 1230, Arachné commands several wooden mannequins from grogs.
She then puts them in Circles of Spell Sustaining carved on Andorra's walls, that maintain the Carved Assassin spells animating them. Despite being unable to leave the circles, this still allow them to stand their ground against intruders, or to fire at them using arbalests or bows.

To ensure their magical nature is not instantly detected, she also puts them under simple MuIm spells (Base 2, +1 touch, +1 conc = lvl 4) that make them look and sound that normal guard, although untalking ones. These spells are, of course, held by further castings of Circle of Spell Sustaining.

Stats (ported from LoH, similar effect, adapted): Characteristics: Cun +0, Per +0, Pre –3, Com –3, Str +3, Sta +3, Dex –1, Qik –1
Size: 0
Pole Arm: Init +2, Attack +6, Defense +3, Damage +11
Crossbow: Init +4, Attack +4, Defense -1, Damage +7 (The bolts are useful in bypassing MR)
Soak: n/a: they do not suffer damage like humans. Rather, it is possible to remove a limb from the mannequin with any blow that deals 10+ damage. Méle weapons used by the mannequins are subject to MR (Penetration 18 + die, let's say 23), thus the crossbows.

Magical Weaponry

Unerring Daggers

03 trusted guards have been given daggers that, when thrown while saying "Strike True!", never miss their target, provided she has no magical resistance.

Flying Ballista

As of Summer 1232, Andorra has its own flying, auto-firing and reloading ballista. Or so it seems. In fact, it's just a mundane ballista, animated by the 3 ballistic rings arachné created over the course of 3 seasons. They can take control of any one ballista, having it fire once per round.
Ballista: Init + 5, Atk +5, EF to hit 6, Dam (treated as non-combat damage) +15, range 50
1) Ring of Bow Command
Effect: "Fire at Will"
ReHe base 3, +2 voice, mom, +1 flexibility = 10 + 10 unlimited uses = lvl 20
This effect has the hook release, seize and pull the ballista's bow.
2) Ring of Bolt Reload
Effect: "Lock and Load"
ReHe base 3, +2 voice, mom, +1 complexity = 10 + 10 unlimited uses = lvl 20
This effect takes a ballista bolt and position it perfectly so that it can be fired.
3) Ring of the Winged Ballista
Effect: The Hovering Ballista
ReHe base 3, +2 Voice, +1 size, +1 Concentration = 15 + 05 items maintains concentration, + 05 for 24 uses per day = lvl 25.
This effect makes a huge piece of wood, such as a ballista, fly slowly, and move at the caster's command

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