Bashir Ibn Kamal

Bashir Advancement

Bashir Ibn Kamal in 1235
Bashir Ibn Kamal in 1241

Year: Winter 1241


Bashir ibn Kamal was born in Valencia in the dying days of the Moorish conquest of Spain. His early life was one of privilege and education, his father wanting nothing but the best for his boy. He was educated at a fine school in Granada, learning languages, philosophy, and the Koran. When he was twenty, he travelled to Mallorca to study medicine. There he found his true calling, in healing the sick and tending to the injured.

The next few years were good years for Bashir. He had his work, and he had his faith, and he knew he was doing a lot of good for a great many people. That ended when he heard that Saragossa was overrun and his family was forced to flee to Africa. At first he was despondent. But over time he began to accept that it might be a great deal of time before he ever saw his family again.

Two years after that, Mallorca was invaded by forces from Aragon. Bashir was not a fighting man, but he was kept busy tending to wounded soldiers. Unfortunately, for the Moorish residents, however, the attacking force was too great, and the defending forces were ultimately defeated. Bashir was captured and ultimately brought to the covenant of Andorra where he was offered a position.

Confidence: 2 (6)
Age: 39 (38)
Decrepitude: 0 (1)
Living Conditions: +1
Companion in Autumn covenant: +1
Regimen: +3


Characteristic Value Aging Points
Int +3 0
Per +1 0
Str 0 0
Sta +1 0
Pre -1 0
Com +2 0
Dex +2 0
Qik -2 0


Cautious with Chirurgy
Cautious with Medicine
Good Teacher
Improved Characteristics
Puissant with Chirurgy
Puissant with Medicine
Privileged Upbringing


Ability Block - Martial
Compassionate (major)
Fish Out of Water - cities & towns,
Lingering Wound - leg wound
Outsider - Moor


Compassionate +3
Introverted -1
Pious +2


Ability Specialty Score Points
Area Lore: Mallorca places 2 15
Area Lore: Valencia places 2 15
Areal Lore: Arans people 1 5
Artes Liberales - Latin, Greek, Arabic alphabets astronomy 3 30
Animal Handling healing 2 15
Awareness assess patient 3 30
Bargain medical supplies 2 15
Charm looking harmless 3 30
Chirurgy bind wounds 7+2 140
Concentration surgery 2 15
Dead Language: Ancient Greek medical terminology 4 50
Dead Language: Latin medical terminology 5 80 (+5)
Etiquette townfolk 2 15
Folk Ken Patients 2 15
Living Language: Arabic classical 5 0
Living Language: Spanish Castilian 5 75
Living Language: Occitan Catalan 5 20 (+30)
Living Language: French Bourguignon 5 20 (+30)
Medicine physician 7+2 140
Music qanun 2 15
Philosophiae alchemy 3 30
Profession: Apothecary treating disease 3 32
Ride speed 2 15
Swim distance 1 5
Teaching Medicine 8 180
Theology – Christianity biblical knowledge 1 5
Theology – Islam knowledge of the Koran 2 15


Formula Type Strength Cost On Hand
Hyacinth Plaster theriac Moderate 10 0
Mustard Plaster theriac Moderate 5 0
Ointment for Congealing Blood theriac Moderate 20 5
Ointment for Healing Crushed Flesh theriac Moderate 20 5
Soporific Sponge theriac Mighty 15 5
Tonic of Gold theriac Weak 5 8

Theriac Lab Texts

Hyacinth Plaster

Theriac Level 10
Shape and Materials: Hyacinth (+2), Rock Crystal (+3), Bandage (+4) = (+9)
Potency: Moderate
When applied to a wound, this linen cloth smeared with ointment containing ground hyacinth (among other things) grants a +3 to the patient’s next Wound Recovery rolls for all Heavy, Medium, and Light Wounds by drawing out accumulated choler, which causes inflammation.
(base 3, +3 Strong)

Mustard Plaster

Theriac Level 5
Shape and Materials: Hyacinth (+2), Rock Crystal (+3), Bandage (+4) = (+9)
Potency: Moderate
When applied to a wound, this linen cloth smeared with ointment containing ground mustard seeds (among other things) grants a +3 to the patient’s next Wound Recovery rolls for all Medium and Light Wounds by drawing out accumulated choler, which causes inflammation.
(base 3, +2 Moderate)

Ointment for Congealing Blood

Theriac Level 20
Shape and Materials: Hyacinth (+2), Rock Crystal (+3), Bandage (+4) = (+9)
Potency: Moderate
This compress of tormentil and comfrey stays the flow of blood and causes flesh to knit back together; it cures a Medium Wound caused by a slashing weapon over the course of a month.
(base 10, +2 Moderate)

Ointment for Healing Crushed Flesh

Theriac Level 20
Shape and Materials: Hyacinth (+2), Rock Crystal (+3), Bandage (+4) = (+9)
Potency: Moderate
This compress of hyacinth and comfrey reinforces flesh and heals compression injuries; it cures a Medium Wound caused by a crushing weapon over the course of a month.
(Base 10, +2 Moderate)

Soporific Sponge

Theriac Level15
Shape and Materials: Hyacinth (+2), Rock Crystal (+3), Bandage (+4) = (+9)
Potency: Mighty
Bashir devised this theriac based on rumors of a similar theriac used by the School of Salerno. It combines opium, mandrake, hemlock and hyoscyamus (all horrible poisons if used wrongly) into a hypnotic aid that is soaked into a sponge. This, when held against the mouth and nose for a few minutes, causes deep slumber. The patient is reduced to the Unconscious Fatigue Level, and will remain that way for two hours. When the patient comes around, the Fatigue Penalty he suffers is subtracted from any Wound or Disease Penalty. A surgeon who operates on a patient who has been stupefied with this theriac has a +2 to his surgery roll and rolls 2 fewer botch dice (this can reduce botch dice to zero).
(base 3, +4 Mighty)

Tonic of Gold

Theriac Level 5
Shape and Materials: Frankincense (+3), Tin (+3) = (+6)
Potency: Weak
This tonic, made with minute quantities of gold, restores a Winded character to a non-fatigued state. It cannot affect a character who has lost more than one Fatigue level.
(base 5)

LAB TOTAL (medicines): 3 (Int) + 9 (Medicine) + 9 (S&M) = 21 = 5 doses
LAB TOTAL (tonic of gold): 3 (Int) + 9 (Medicine) + 6 (S&M) = 18 = 4 doses

Treating Disease

Prognosis Total: 18 + Diet Modifier + Living Conditions Modifier

Books Written

Historia Medica
Medicine Summa: Level 3, Quality 17
Author: Bashir ibn Kamal (Com +2, Good Teacher, Medicine 9)
Features: +6 Quality, Lowered Level
Notes: Written in 1241 and for the covenant of Andorra

Herbae Pyrenaei
Apothecary Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Bashir ibn Kamal (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: Written in 1243 and for the covenant of Andorra

Instrumenta Pigmentarii
Apothecary Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Bashir ibn Kamal (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: Written in 1243 and for the covenant of Andorra

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