Most typical 'afrit have Might scores of 15, the aristocracy up to 30, and the nobility up to 45. The Malik is a Daimon and has a Might score of 50 (or at least that is what his aspect typically manifests as).
Slohab al-Afrit
A typical 'Afrit, referencing page 42 of Tales of Power. There have been changes to make it different from published material. I figure it would be kosher if I made them similar, but not the same. Just as someone else would do for their own game. There are also some tricky things that they wouldn't let me get away with, and I see a lot of little mistakes that crept in by my mistake and/or the mistakes of others. This is an example of the lowest common denominator, a weak 'Afrit with a Might score of only 10.
Magic Might: 10
Locus: a brass bottle
Characteristics: Int -2, Per -1, Com -1, Pre +0, Str +4, Sta +3, Dex +1, Quik -1
Size: +1
Season: Winter
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Magic Spirit - Jinni (Magical Air, Incorporeal), +1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Great Strength, +1 Large, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound to Bottle, -1 Greedy, -1 Obese
Qualities: +5 Improved Powers x5 (25), +3 Focus Power (25), +3 Greater Powers (50), +3 Greater Immunity (Heat & Flames), +3 Ritual Power, +3 Ways of the Desert, +2 Personal Powers x2 (50), +2 Variable Powers x2, +1 Improved Soak, +1 Lesser Powers (25), +1 Second Sight, +1 Unaffected by the Gift
Inferiorities: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound by Bargains, -3 Monstrous Appearance, -2 Restricted Powers x2, -10 Reduced abilities x10
Personality Traits: *Crafty +3, Greedy +5, Brave +3, Proud +2, Loyal +1
Reputations: Stalwart 2 (jinn), Grants Wishes 2 (mundanes)
Combat: (at base Size of +1)
Wrestle: Init -1, Atk +8, Def +6, Dmg +4
Fistfight: Init -1, Atk +7, Def +5, Dmg +4
Dagger: Init -1, Atk +9, Def +5, Dmg +7
Brass Scimitar: Init +1, Atk +10, Def +5, Dmg +10
(per point of Increased Size: @ -1 Init, -1 Def, +2 Dmg)
(per point of Reduced Size: @ +1 Init, +1 Def, -2 Dmg)
Soak: +3
Fatigue: n/a
Wounds (at base Size of +2): -1 Lt (1-6), -3 Med (7-12), -5 Hvy (13-18), Incap (19-24), Dead (25+)
Dirty robe, sandals, brass scimitar (all manifest when he assumes corporal human form, but optionally he might equip himself else wise)
Encumbrance: 0
Arabic 5 (stern words), Artes Liberales 1 (literacy), Athletics 4 (leaping), Awareness 2 (alert), Bargain 2 (services), Brawl 6 (wrestle), City of Brass Lore 3 (food), Concentration 2 (powers), Dominion Lore 1 (Solomon), Finesse 3 (flourish), Folk Ken 2 (desires), Guile 3 (simple lies), Infernal Lore 1 (Iblis), Intrigue 2 (alliances), Leadership 2 (intimidation), Magic Lore 3 (jinn), Penetration 4 (Ignem), Philisophiae 1 (metaphysics), Second Sight 4 (spirits), Shapeshifter 2 (thug), Single Weapon 4 (scimitar), Theology: Islam 1 (jinn)
Powers: GP 50, FP 25, LP 25, RP 25, PP 50; Ip 25, Vp +2, Rp -2
Corporal Veil of the Jinn: 0 points, Init -5, Corpus
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Forms include a slack jawed thug, and a cloud of vapor. These forms are considered natural and are not subject to magic resistance or other restrictions. A jinni in corporeal form can mate & reproduce, and goes though the motions of eating and sleeping.
Greater Power (50 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -5 cost, 5xp Mastery), Variable Power (number of forms equals Shapeshifter ability score), Restricted Power (all forms must bear some common identifying traits)
Fabricator of Wonders: cost equal to magnitude, Init -10, various material Forms
Variable equivalent Level
R: Touch/Voice, D: Mom*, T: Ind/Group
Slohab has the power to "grant wishes", which most often takes the form of conjuring items of wealth and splendor. This is similar to Creo magic within the Forms of Herbam, and Terram. The Might cost is the magnitude of an equivalent Creo spell (up to level 25, but a base no higher than 10); at a Range of Touch or Voice, with a Target of Individual or a Group. Variables include the Base Level and Size. The creation may last up to a year and a day, but hemay not recover the might from the cost of that creation until he dissolves it. If the creation is to be made permanent, then the might cost is a permanent sacrifice off of his Might Score. Living things cannot be permanently created. Horses and birds and trees and such may be conjured, but are only temporary. Nourishing food and drink does not require a permanent sacrifice, but might may not be recovered until said person nourished next sleeps & eats (or dies). If the creation is to be a permanent natural effect, the cost comes permanently off the jinni's Might Score. An 'afrit can be worn down by granting many wishes, so he will often opt to spend Confidence points instead (as per the rules for Ritual Powers).
Ritual Power (25 Levels), Variable Power (based on Might), Restricted Power
Fiery Aura of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -6, Ignem
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Imperturbable, Fast Cast)
Slohab can engulf himself in flames that do him no harm, but burn those things he touches an inflicting +5 Damage. This is a bonus in combat while in corporeal or animal form. As a vapor, he is hot and toxic, causing those who breath it to choke (Stamina stress roll of 3+ or loose Fatigue). This is in addition to fire damage (or aside from it for those resistant or immune to fire).
CrIg15 (base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)
Lesser Power (15 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -3 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Flight of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -2, Ignem
R; Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Slohab can take flight at will, and/or can be considered to always be so. The Form of Ignem applies no matter what substance me manifests as, since his essential nature is a being of fire.
ReIg15 (base 4, +3 Constant)
Personal Power (15 Levels), Improved Power (3 points, -2 cost, 5xp Mastery)
Invisibility: 0 points, Init -2, Imaginem
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Slohab can turn invisible at will, and can remain so for as long as he chooses.
PeIm20 (base 4, +1 changing image, +3 constant)
Personal Power (20 levels), Improved Power (3 points, -2 cost, 5xp Mastery)
The Jinni's Leap: 0 points, Init -2, Ignem
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Slohab can instantly blink from one point to another.
ReIg 15 (base 15)
Personal Power (15 levels), Improved Power (3 points; -2 cost, 5xp Mastery)
Caster of Fire: cost equals Magnitude, Init equals 0 - Magnitude, Ignem
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Includes all spontaneous Creo Ignem and Rego Ignem Effects, up to level 15.
various Ignem
Focus Power (25 levels), Improved Power (4 points; Improved Potential 3 magnitudes, 5xp Mastery)
Strike of Flame: 0 points, Init -4, Ignem
R: Personal, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Multicast, Fast Cast)
Creates a crackling flame about his hand that he can throw (project) up to 25 paces, striking to impact with +10 damage from fire.
Cr/ReIg10 (base 5, +1 Rego requisite)
Lesser Power (10 levels), Improved Power (5 points, -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Wahhab al-Afrit
A typical 'Afrit, referencing page 42 of Tales of Power and page 135 of HoH: Societates.
Magic Might: 15 (Ignem)
Locus: a brass bottle
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +2, Com +0, Pre +2, Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +1, Quik +0
Size: +2
Season: Winter
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Magic Spirit - Jinni (Magical Air, Incorporeal), +3 Giant Blood, +1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Tough, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound to Bottle, -3 Avaricious, -1 Dutybound, -1 Proud
Qualities: +8 Improved Powers x8 (40), +3 Focus Power (25), +3 Greater Powers (50), +3 Greater Immunity (Heat & Flames), +3 Ritual Power, +3 Ways of the Desert, +2 Personal Powers x2 (50), +2 Variable Powers x2, +1 Improved Soak, +1 Lesser Powers (25), +1 Second Sight, +1 Unaffected by the Gift
Inferiorities: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound by Bargains, -3 Monstrous Appearance, -2 Restricted Powers x2, -8 Reduced abilities x8
Personality Traits: *Crafty +3, Greedy +5, Brave +3, Proud +2, Loyal +1
Reputations: Stalwart 2 (jinn), Grants Wishes 2 (mundanes)
Combat: (at base Size of +2)
Fist: Init +0, Atk +6, Def +5, Dmg +3
Brass Scimitar: Init +2, Atk +10, Def +6, Dmg +9
Brass Greatsword: Init +2, Atk +11, Def +7, Dmg +12
(per point of Increased Size: @ -1 Init, -1 Def, +2 Dmg)
(per point of Reduced Size: @ +1 Init, +1 Def, -2 Dmg)
Soak: +7
Fatigue: n/a
Wounds (at base Size of +2): -1 Lt (1-7), -3 Med (8-14), -5 Hvy (15-21), Incap (22-28), Dead (29+)
As Hawk: Str -3, Sta +2, Dex +1, Quik +6;; Talons: Init +5, Atk +8, Def +14, Dmg -1;; +6 Init to all powers
Equipment: silk pajamas, slippers, brass greatsword (all manifest when he assumes corporal human form, but optionally he might equip himself else wise)
Encumbrance: 0
Abilities: Arabic 5 (stern words), Artes Liberales 1 (literacy), Athletics 3 (leaping), Awareness 2 (alert), Bargain 4 (services), Brawl 4 (fistfight), City of Brass Lore 3 (warriors), Concentration 2 (powers), Dominion Lore 1 (Solomon), Finesse 3 (speed), Folk Ken 2 (desires), Great Weapon 4 (greatsword)Guile 3 (subtle prevarication), Infernal Lore 1 (Iblis), Intrigue 2 (alliances), Leadership 3 (intimidation), Magic Lore 3 (jinn), Penetration 4 (Ignem), Philisophiae 1 (metaphysics), Second Sight 4 (spirits), Shapeshifter 3 (desert hawk), Single Weapon 4 (scimitar), Theology: Islam 2 (jinn)
Powers: GP 50, FP 25, LP 25, RP 25, PP 50; Ip 40, Vp +2, Rp -2
Corporal Veil of the Jinn: 0 points, Init -5, Corpus
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Like all jinn, Wahhab can manifest in physical form and dissolve it at will. This form is considered natural and is not subject to Magic Resistance. In physical form, they can even mate and produce offspring. A jinni is immune to Fatigue and Deprivation, but acts as if they must eat and sleep nevertheless. This physical form magically dissolves the very instant before death. If depleted of might, then the physical form *can* be killed, and it is also susceptible to Deprivation until it can recover might. These advantages and disadvantages balance against one another.
This is also a variable power, linked to the Shapeshifter Virtue. All jinn can assume a number of (natural) forms equal to their core in that Ability; the first being the form of a human with a monstrous appearance. With a score of 3, Wahhab can also take the forms of a smoky vapor and a desert hawk. The vapor is the same rusty red color of his skin, as are the feathers of the hawk. This power has the additional Restriction in that all forms and identities must have some common identifying trait.
Greater Power (50 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -5 cost, 5xp Mastery), Variable Power (number of forms equals Shapeshifter ability score), Restricted Power (all forms must bear some common identifying traits)
Fabricator of Wonders: cost equal to magnitude, Init -10, various material Forms
Variable equivalent Level
R: Touch/Voice, D: Mom*, T: Ind/Group
Wahhab has the power to "grant wishes", which most often takes the form of conjuring items of wealth and splendor. This is similar to Creo magic within the Forms of Animal, Aquam, Herbam, and Terram). The Might cost is the magnitude of an equivalent Creo spell (up to level 25, but a base no higher than 15); at a Range of Touch or Voice, with a Target of Individual or a Group. Variables include the Base Level and Size. The creation may last up to a year and a day, but Wahhab may not recover the might from the cost of that creation until he dissolves it. If the creation is to be made permanent, then the might cost is a permanent sacrifice off of his Might Score. Living things cannot be permanently created. Horses and birds and trees and such may be conjured, but are only temporary. Nourishing food and drink does not require a permanent sacrifice, but might may not be recovered until said person nourished next sleeps & eats (or dies). If the creation is to be a permanent natural effect, the cost comes permanently off the jinni's Might Score. An 'afrit can be worn down by granting many wishes, so he will often opt to spend Confidence points instead (as per the rules for Ritual Powers).
Ritual Power (25 Levels), Variable Power (based on Might), Restricted Power
Fiery Aura of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -6, Ignem
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Imperturbable, Fast Cast)
Wahhab can engulf himself in flames that do him no harm, but burn those things he touches an inflicting +5 Damage. This is a bonus in combat while in corporeal or animal form. As a vapor, he is hot and toxic, causing those who breath it to choke (Stamina stress roll of 3+ or loose Fatigue). This is in addition to fire damage (or aside from it for those resistant or immune to fire).
CrIg15 (base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)
Lesser Power (15 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -3 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Flight of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -2, Ignem
R; Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Flex-Touch)
Wahaab can take flight at will, and/or can be considered to always be so. The Form of Ignem applies no matter what substance me manifests as, since his essential nature is a being of fire.
ReIg15 (base 4, +3 Constant)
Personal Power (15 Levels), Improved Power (5 points, -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Invisibility: 0 points, Init -2, Imaginem
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Flex-Touch)
Wahhab can turn invisible at will, and can remain so for as long as he chooses.
PeIm20 (base 4, +1 changing image, +3 constant)
Personal Power (20 levels), Improved Power (5 points, -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
The Jinni's Leap: 0 points, Init -2, Ignem
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Precise)
Wahhab can instantly blink from one point to another.
ReIg 15 (base 15)
Personal Power (15 levels), Improved Power (5 points; -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Caster of Fire: cost equals Magnitude, Init equals 0 - Magnitude, Ignem
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Multicast)
Includes all spontaneous Creo Ignem and Rego Ignem Effects, up to level 15.
various Ignem
Focus Power (25 levels); Improved Power (3 points; two magnitudes Improved Potential, 15xp Mastery)
Strike of Flame: 0 points, Init -4, Ignem
R: Personal, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 3 (Fast Cast, Multicast, Penetration)
Creates a crackling flame about his hand that he can throw (project) up to 25 paces, striking to impact with +10 damage from fire.
Cr/ReIg10 (base 5, +1 Rego requisite)
Lesser Power (10 levels), Improved Power (8 points, -2 cost, 30xp Mastery)
Jawal Ibn Jawal al-Afrit:
Magic Might: 20 (Ignem)
Locus: a brass bottle
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Com +1, Pre +3, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +1, Quik +1
Size: +1
Season: Winter
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Magic Spirit - Jinni (Magical Air, Incorporeal), +2 Improved Characteristics x2, +1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Large, +1 Privileged Upbringing, +1 Venus' Blessing, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound to Bottle, -3 Major Essential Flaw: Mischievous, -1 Carefree, -1 Meddler,-1 Reckless
Qualities: +10 Improved Powers x10 (50), +6 Greater Powers x2 (100), +3 Focus Power (25), +3 Greater Immunity (Heat & Flames), +3 Ritual Power, +3 Ways of the Desert, +2 Personal Powers x2 (50), +2 Variable Powers x2, +1 Improved Soak, +1 Lesser Powers (25), +1 Second Sight, +1 Unaffected by the Gift
Inferiorities: -3 Greater Malediction: Bound by Bargains, -3 Monstrous Appearance, -3 Restricted Powers x3, -7 Reduced abilities x7
Personality Traits: *Mischievous +6, *Crafty +3, Meddler +3, Carefree +3, Reckless +3, Brave +1, Loyal -1
Reputations: Trouble Maker 2 (jinn), Grants Wishes 2 (mundanes)
Combat: (at base Size of +1)
Fist: Init +1, Atk +6, Def +6, Dmg +1
Brass Scimitar: Init +3, Atk +10, Def +7, Dmg +7
(per point of Increased Size: @ -1 Init, -1 Def, +2 Dmg)
(per point of Reduced Size: @ +1 Init, +1 Def, -2 Dmg)
Soak: +3
Fatigue: n/a
Wounds (at base Size of +1): -1 Lt (1-6), -3 Med (7-12), -5 Hvy (13-18), Incap (19-24), Dead (25+)
Equipment: red silk sash about his waist, brass scimitar, rings on fingers & toes & ears & nose
Encumbrance: 0
Abilities: Arabic 5 (clever wordplay, Artes Liberales 3 (Astronomy), Athletics 2 (leaping), Awareness 3 (trickery), Bargain 5 (shady deals), Brawl 4 (fistfight), City of Brass Lore 3 (notable players), Concentration 3 (powers), Dominion Lore 1 (Solomon), Faerie Lore 1 (faerie jinni), Finesse 4 (speed), Folk Ken 4 (desires) Guile 4 (twisted wording), Infernal Lore 1 (Iblis), Intrigue 3 (alliances), Leadership 2 (intimidation), Legerdemain 3 (pickpocket), Magic Lore 3 (jinn), Penetration 3 (Ignem), Philosophiae 2 (metaphysics), Profession-Scribe 1 (copy), Second Sight 4 (spirits), Shapeshifter 3 (lizard), Single Weapon 4 (scimitar), Theology: Islam 2 (jinn)
Powers: GP 100, FP 25, LP 25, RP 25, PP 50; Ip 50, Vp +2, Rp -3
Corporal Veil of the Jinn: 0 points, Init -4, Corpus
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
Mastery 1 (Fast Cast)
Forms include a monstrous yet devilishly handsome large man, a smoky vapor, and a small desert lizard (Size -3). The vapor is a distinct dark red, same as his skin. The lizard bears the same color, and has rings. These forms are considered natural and are not subject to magic resistance or other restrictions.
No Hermetic Equivalent
Greater Power (50 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -5 cost, 5xp Mastery, ), Variable Power (number of forms equals Shapeshifter ability score), Restricted Power (all forms must bear some common identifying traits)
Domination: 1 or more points, Init -4, Mentem
R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
Jawal can influence or outright control the minds and emotions of others with his suave voice. There is no limit to distance once affected, and control can be renewed automatically (paying cost each sunrise/sunset). Any command that contradicts a Personality Trait allows for a resistance roll of a SD + Trait versus an ease factor of 9+, with success breaking control.
This is a Restricted power, in that it requires the recipient to hear his voice. The deaf are unaffected, as are those who plug their ears. Those affected hear his voice at any distance, but can have their ears plugged by others. Jawal can affect multiple people at once, paying a separate cost for each.
ReMe50 (base 30, +2 Voice, +2 Sun)
Greater Power (50 levels), Improved Power (4 points; -4 cost, Restricted Power (target must hear his voice)
Fabricator of Wonders: cost equal to magnitude, Init -9, various material Forms
Variable equivalent Level, up to equal Might Score of 25 (base level no higher than 20)
R: Touch/Voice, D: Mom*, T: Ind/Group
Jawal has the power to "grant wishes", which most often takes the form of conjuring items of wealth and splendor. This is similar to Creo magic within the five material Forms (Animal, Aquam, Corpus, Herbam, and Terram). The Might cost is the magnitude of an equivalent Creo spell; at a Range of Touch or Voice, with a Target of Individual or a Group. Variables include the Base Level and Size. The creation may last up to a year and a day, but Jawal may not recover the might from the cost of that creation until he dissolves it. If the creation is to be made permanent, then the might cost is a permanent sacrifice off of his Might Score. Living things cannot be permanently created. Horses and birds and trees and such may be conjured, but are only temporary. Nourishing food and drink does not require a permanent sacrifice, but might may not be recovered until said person nourished next sleeps (or dies). Healing effects follow the standard rule, as do immaterial objects. That is, the effects is temporary (up to a year and a day), and the jinni cannot recover the might cost until the effect is ended. For healing, people can heal other injuries naturally and permanently, just not *that* injury). If the creation, or healing, is to be a permanent natural effect, the cost comes permanently off the jinni's Might Score (or is paid in Confidence points).
Ritual Power (25 Levels), Variable Power (based on Might), Restricted Power
Fiery Aura of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -5, Ignem
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Imperturbable, Fast Cast)
Jawal can engulf himself in flames that do him no harm, but burn those things he touches an inflicting +5 Damage. This is a bonus in combat while in coporeal or animal form. As a vapor, he is hot and toxix, causing those who breath it to choke (Stamina stress roll of 3+ or loose Fatigue).
CrIg15 (base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc)
Lesser Power (15 levels), Improved Power (6 points; -3 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Flight of the 'Afrit: 0 points, Init -1, Ignem
R; Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Flex-Touch)
Jawal can take flight at will, and/or can be considered to always be so. The Form of Ignem applies no matter what substance me manifests as, since his essential nature is a being of fire.
ReIg15 (base 4, +3 Constant)
Personal Power (15 Levels), Improved Power (5 points, -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Invisibility: 0 points, Init -1, Imaginem
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Flex-Touch)
Jawal can turn invisible at will, and can remain so for as long as he chooses.
PeIm20 (base 4, +1 changing image, +3 constant)
Personal Power (20 levels), Improved Power (5 points, -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
The Jinni's Leap: 0 points, Init -1, Ignem
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 2 (Fast Cast, Precise)
ReIg 15 (base 15)
Personal Power (15 levels), Improved Power (5 points; -2 cost, 15xp Mastery)
Lord of Fire: cost equals Magnitude, Init equals +1 - Magnitude, Ignem
Mastery 3 (Fast Cast, Multicast, Penetration)
Includes all spontaneous Creo Ignem and Rego Ignem Effects, up to level 25.
various Ignem
Focus Power (25), Improved Power (7 points; one magnitude Improved Potential, 30xp Mastery)
Strike of Flame: Cost 0, Init -3, Ignem
R: Personal, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastery 4 (Fast Cast, Multicast, Penetration, Flex-Sight)
Creates a crackling flame about his hand that he can throw (project) up to 25 paces, striking to impact with +10 damage from fire.
Cr/ReIg10 (base 5, +1 Rego requisite)
Lesser Power (10 levels), Improved Power (12 points, -2 cost, 50xp Mastery)
Base Levels
Very Weak: Might 1 – 10, Size 0, Spring
Weak: Might 11 – 20, Size +1, Summer
Typical: Might 21 – 30, Size +2, Summer
Powerful: Might 31 – 40, Size +3, Summer
Legendary: Might 41+, Size +3, Autumn
Base Levels
Very Weak: Might 20 or less, Size +1, Summer
Weak: Might 21 – 30, Size +3, Summer
Typical: Might 31 – 40, Size +5, Autumn
Powerful: Might 41 – 50, Size +7, Autumn
Legendary: Might 51 – 75, Size +10, Winter
Mythic: Might 75 or more, Size +15, Winter
Giant Kind
Typical Ogre (Character Guide)
Magic Might: 8 (Corpus)
Characteristics: Int -3, Per +2, Com -2, Pre -2, Str +8, Sta +3, Dex +1, Quik +0
Size: +2
Season: Spring
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues: +0 Magical Human (Monstrous Appearance), +1 Affinity with Brawl, +1 Affinity with Great Weapon, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -1 Simple Minded,
Qualities: +3 Gigantic, +2 Improved Soak (2x), +1 Improved Fatigue, +1 Great Strength, +1 Improved Abilities, +1 Reserves of Strength, +1 Puissant Brawl
Inferiorities: -1 Essential Flaw – Uncouth (-3 penalty to all social interactions), -1 Susceptible to Depravation
Personality Traits: Dim-Witted +2, Brave +1, Loyal -1
Reputations: Stupid +1 (local)
Dodge: Init +0, Atk n/a, Def +8, Dmg n/a
Pummel: Init +0, Atk +9, Def +8, Dmg +8
Cudgel: Init +1, Atk +12, Def +8, Dmg +15
Soak: +7
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-7), -3 Med (8-14), -5 Hvy (15-21), Incap (22-29), Dead (30+)
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1,-1, -3, -5, ko
Brawl 5+2 (pummel), Great Weapon 6 (cudgel), Occitain 4 (Andorra; coarse language),
Powers: none
Equipment: Cudgel
Encumbrance: 0
Vis: 2 Corpus in bones
Appearance: brutish and ugly, unwashed and unkempt.
Typical Gryphon
Magic Might: 12
Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Com +0, Pre +0, Str +6, Sta +3, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: +2
Season: Spring (120)
Ferocity: 2 (6)
Virtues: +0 Magical Animal (No Hands, Mute), +3 Improved Characteristics (3x), +1 Ferocity, +1 Puissant Brawl, +1 Self Confident, +1 Tough
Flaws: -3 Magical Monster, -3 Proud, -1 Weakness (submission),
Natural Qualities: Accomplished Flier, Aggressive, Ambush Predator, Crafty, Fast Flier, Good Jumper, Hardy, Imposing Appearance, Keen Eyesight, Large Claws, Large Teeth, Tough Hide, Vocal
Qualities: +3 Essential Virtue (+6 Bravery), +3 Improved Abilities (3x), +1 Chimera Lion/Eagle (Accomplished Flier, +1 Quik), +1 Improved Attack (claws), +1 Improved Attack (bite), +1 Improved Fatigue, +1 Improved Ferocity, +1 Improved Soak
Inferiorities: -1 Susceptible to Depravation
Personality Traits: Brave +5, Fierce +5
Reputations: Fierce (local) 4
Large Claws: Init +1, Atk +17, Def +12, Dmg +10
Large Teeth: Init +1, Atk +15, Def +9, Dmg +9
Soak: +10
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-7), -3 Med (8-14), -5 Hvy (15-21), Incap (22-29), Dead (30+)
Fatigue: OK, 0, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Abilities: Athletics 5 (flight), Awareness 2 (smell), Brawl 5+2 (claws), Finesse 2 (flight), Hunt 4 (horses), Stealth 4 (stalking), Survival 5 (arid climates)
Natural Weapons: Large Claws (Init +0, Atk +5, Def +3, Dmg +4), Large Teeth (Init +0, Atk +4, Def +1, Dmg +3), Tough Hide (+2 Soak)
Powers: (Flight is considered a natural power, and the beast can cruise at 30mph easilly)
Encumbrance: 0
Vis: 2 Animal in heart
Appearance: Everyone knows what a Griffon looks like
(Kobolds, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Imps, etceteras)
The word "goblin" is derived from the French "gobelin", or in Latin "gobelinus" (or "cabalus)", related to the German word "kobold" derived from the Greek "kobalos".
Here, in my Ars Magica saga, it refers to a category of similar creatures that are all goblin-like in character and quality. My nomenclature is pure fabrication; based upon scant research, standard fantasy tropes, Marvel comics, and past erroneous statements. In common parlance, the terminology is interchangable and widely varried.
Hermetic Nomenclature recap
Goblin: typically a smallish faerie creature associated with mischief.
Hobgoblin: a larger goblin often associated with Magic and quite reclusive (the original meanings of the words is actually reversed, and in this respect common parlance is more accurate).
Troll: Giant monstrous creatures dwelling to the north, but the word is mistakenly applied to goblins in common parlance.
Imp: an Infernal aligned goblin, typically winged. However, the term is also applied in common parlance to a variety of similar creatures.
Kobold: the one term in which Hermetic Nomenclature, Supernatural Taxonimy, and Common Parlance agree. Kobolds are cave sprites and faeries that delight in causing havoc and mischief for cave explorers
Stats are presented below concerning a typical standard Goblin, Magical in nature and reclusive. Such creatures are generally solitary or dwell in small isolated family groups. Those that interact with humans and society tend to be faerie in nature. Mischevious or malicious, they may often be mistaken for Infernal creatures, but there nature is not corruption or temptation. They seek only their own twisted amusment.
Kobolds are the smallest variety, and are a typical form of cave-sprite. Typically Faerie in nature, they tend to be mischevious and are drawn to instigate & complicate stories involving secrets and treasures hidden in their caves.
Hobgoblin is a tricky term. They are also smaller than Goblins and tend to be unseelie faries. However, some cultures reverse the terminology. Tolkien made that mistake and admitted as much in his latter letters. I even made that miustake, as this error has carried over into most modern fantasy folklore. So, as a correction, I will make the claim that Hermetic Magic Lore Taxonimy uses the term Hobgoblin to refer to the larger, magic aligned variety; Goblin refers to the smaller faerie creature.
Imps are evil, infernal goblins/hobgoblins, the kind that consort with evil wizards and offer their services as a method of temptation and corruption. They also tend to have wings. Indeed, any goblin-kin may potentially sprout little gargoyle wings, but this is actually uncommon.
Trolls are a totally different sort of creature found in northern lands, but the word has migrated it's meaning and has come to be used in common parlance to refer to goblins.
The Owlbear is a chimera, combining the features of a bear and an owl. It is a magical creature endemic to the region. Simon the firedrake likes to munch on them.
Magic Might: 8
Characteristics: Cun +1, Per +0, Com -5, Pre +0, Str +6, Sta +4, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: +2
Season: Spring (120)
Ferocity: 2 (6)
Virtues: +0 Magical Animal (No Hands, Mute), +1 Berzerker, +1 Enduring Constitution, +1 Great Stamina, +1 Improved Characteristics, +1 Ferocity (when injured), +1 Puissant Brawl, +1 Self Confident, +1 Tough
Flaws: -3 Magical Monster, -2 Poor Communication (x2), -1 Greedy, -1 Nocturnal, -1 Reclusive
Natural Qualities: Aggressive, Natural Weapons (talons, beak), Fast Runner, Grapple, Hardy, Imposing Appearance, Large Talons, Pursuit Predator, Tough Hide, Keen Eyesight
Qualities: +3 Improved Abilities (x3), +2 Improved Damage (beak) (x2), +1 Chimera: Bear/Owl (Keen Vision, +1 Quik), +1 Improved Fatigue, +1 Improved Ferocity, +1 Improved Soak
Inferiorities: -1 Susceptible to Depravation
Personality Traits: Fierce +5, Brave +3, Aggressive +3, Slothful +2
Reputations: Ferocious (local) 2
Talons: Init +1, Atk +15, Def +12, Dmg +10
Beak: Init +1, Atk +12, Def +9, Dmg +13
Soak: +11
Wounds: -0 Lt (1-7), -2 Med (8-14), -4 Hvy (15-21), Incap (22-29), Dead (30+)
Fatigue: OK, 0, 0, -0, -2, -4, ko
Abilities: Athletics 3 (climb), Awareness 3 (prey), Brawl 5+2 (talons), Hunt 4 (ibix), Survival 5 (forage), Swim 2 (against current)
Natural Weapons: Large Talons (Init +0, Atk +5, Def +3, Dmg +4), Beak (Init +0, Atk +3, Def +1, Dmg +1), Tough Hide (+2 Soak)
Encumbrance: 0
Vis: 2 Animal in heart
Spectral Soldiers of King Kush
They serve King Kush under the command of Prince Keshan (referencing Tales of Power, p.54; & RoP: Magic, pp 116-118). Rank & File soldiers have a Might of 10 to 15 and are treated as Grogs (no Confidence score). Officers may have Might scores as high as 30, and are equal to Companions (including Confidence). Prince Keshan has a Might of 40, and King Kush is probably around 50.
Patape, Spectral Soldier of low rank:
Magic Might: 10 (Mentem)
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Com 0, Pre 0, Str +2, Sta +2 Dex +1, Quik +0
Size: +0
Season: Spring (as per being a Specter)
Virtues: +0 Magic Spirit - Ghost(Magical Air, Incorporeal), +1 Educated, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -1 Dutybound, -1 Minor Essential Flaw: Single Minded
Qualities: +5 Improved Abilities x 5, +3 No Fatigue, +2 Lesser Powers x2 (50), +2 Improved Powers x 2 (10)
Inferiorities: -2 Restricted Powers x 2
Personality Traits: *Dutiful +3, *Single Minded +3, Loyal +3, Brave +3
Reputations: Stalwart 2 (other specters)
Dagger: Init 0, Atk +9, Def +6, Dmg +5
Short Sword (& Round Shield): Init +1, Atk +10 (+11), Def +7 (+10), Dmg +7
Short Spear (& Round Shield): Init +2, Atk +9 (+10), Def +6 (+9), Dmg +7
Thrown Spear: Init 0, Atk +8, Def +0, Dmg +7
Soak: +9
Fatigue: n/a
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)
Equipment: short sword, short spear, round shield, full scale armor
Encumbrance: n/a
Abilities: Coptic 5 (ancient), Egypt Area Lore 2 (things to lament); Artes Liberales 2 (literacy), Athletics 3 (marching), Awareness 3 (in combat), Bargain 2 (haggle), Brawl 5 (dagger), Carouse 2 (drinking), Folk Ken 2 (warriors), Greek 4 (ancient), Leadership 1 (intimidation), Profession: Soldier 5 (honor guard), Single Weapon 6 (with shield), Thrown Weapon 4 (spear), Survival 2 (forage)
Powers: LP 50; Ip 10, Rp -2
Strike of the Spectral Sword/Spear: 0 points, Init (as weapon), Terram
R: Special, D: Mom, T: Ind
The spectral soldier can strike to inflict injury on corporeal beings, it's weapon being made solid in that split second. This power is Restricted in that the specter cannot attack invisibly. It must either manifest as an apparition or be seen by a defender with Second Sight (or some such)
CrTe10 (Base 5, +1 Touch, non-Hermetic)
Lesser Power (10 levels), Improved power (2 points; -2 cost), Restricted Power
Animation: 0 points, Init -10, Corpus
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
The spectral soldier can animate its own corpse, skeletal and mummified and entombed with its armaments. The corpse is slower and less perceptive, but is both tougher & stronger (Per -2, Str +3, Quick -2, Reduced Characteristics, Tough; @-2 Init, @-2 Def, @+1 Dmg, @+3 Soak). The specter can only animate its own corpse, not that of another, so if that body is destroyed it can no longer use this power. However, higher ranking (more powerful) specters have the power to create (recreate) a material form, then can use this power to animate that shell.
ReCo25 (base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Lesser Power (25 levels), Improved Power (5 points; -5 cost), Restricted Power
Apparition 0 points, Init -6, Imaginem
R: Special, D: Special, T: Ind
The spectral soldier can manifest as an apparition that can be seen and heard by material beings. This can persist as long as the spirit desires and can be discarded at will.
CrIm15 (base 2, +2 move as directed, +1 intricacy, +1 Touch, +1 special duration)
Lesser Power (15 levels), Improved Power (3 points; -3 cost)
Alexios, Spectral Herald (Officer)
Magic Might: 27 (Mentem)
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Com +2, Pre +1, Str +2, Sta +2 Dex +1, Quik +1
Size: +0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Season: Spring (as per being a Specter)
Virtues: +0 Magic Spirit - Ghost(Magical Air, Incorporeal), +1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +1 Warrior
Flaws: -1 Dutybound, -1 Minor Essential Flaw: Single Minded, -1 Visions
Qualities: +10 Improved Abilities x 10, +6 Greater Powers x 2 (100), +3 No Fatigue, +3 Improved Characteristics x 3, +3 Improved Powers x 3 (15), +2 Improved Might
Inferiorities: -2 Restricted Powers x 2
Personality Traits: *Dutiful +3, *Single Minded +3, Loyal +3, Brave +2, Pleading +2
Reputations: Stalwart 3 (other specters)
Dagger: Init +1, Atk +8, Def +5, Dmg +5
Short Sword (& Round Shield): Init +2, Atk +10 (+11), Def +8 (+11), Dmg +7
Short Spear (& Round Shield): Init +3, Atk +9 (+10), Def +7 (+10), Dmg +7
Thrown Spear: Init +1, Atk +8, Def n/a, Dmg +7
Soak: +9
Fatigue: n/a
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)
Equipment: short sword, short spear, round shield, full scale armor
Encumbrance: n/a
Abilities: Greek 5 (ancient), Greek Area Lore 3 (things to lament); Artes Liberales 2 (literacy), Athletics 2 (marching), Awareness 3 (in combat), Bargain 3 (plead), Brawl 4 (dagger), Concentration 3 (powers), Carouse 2 (drinking), Coptic 4 (ancient), Egypt Area Lore 3 (things to lament), Folk Ken 2 (warriors), Leadership 3 (soldiers), Magic Lore 3 (spirits), Profession: Soldier 5 (herald), Single Weapon 6 (with shield), Thrown Weapon 4 (spear), Penetration 5 (communion), Philosophiae 2 (metaphysics), Survival 2 (forage)
Powers: GP 100; Ip 15, Rp -2
Strike of the Spectral Sword/Spear: 0 points, Init (as weapon), Terram
R: Special, D: Mom, T: Ind
The spectral soldier can strike to inflict injury on corporeal beings, it's weapon being made solid in that split second. This power is Restricted in that the specter cannot attack invisibly. It must either manifest as an apparition or be seen by a defender with Second Sight (or some such)
CrTe10 (Base 5, +1 Touch, non-Hermetic)
Greater Power (10 levels), Improved power (1 points; -1 cost), Restricted Power
Animation: 0 points, Init -2, Corpus
R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind
The spectral soldier can animate its own corpse, skeletal and mummified and entombed with its armaments. The corpse is slower and less perceptive, but is both tougher & stronger (Per -2, Str +3, Quick -2, Reduced Characteristics, Tough; @-2 Init, @-2 Def, @+1 Dmg, @+3 Soak). The specter can only animate its own corpse, not that of another, so if that body is destroyed it can no longer use this power. However, higher ranking (more powerful) specters have the power to create (recreate) a material form, then can use this power to animate that shell.
ReCo25 (base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Greater Power (25 levels), Improved Power (3 points; -3 cost), Restricted Power
Apparition 0 points, Init -2, Imaginem
R: Special, D: Special, T: Ind
Alexios can manifest as an apparition that can be seen and heard by material beings. This can persist as long as the spirit desires and can be discarded at will.
CrIm15 (base 2, +2 move as directed, +1 intricacy, +1 Touch, +1 special duration)
Greater Power (15 levels), Improved Power (2 points; -2 cost)
Communion of the Spectral Herald: 0 points, Init -2, Mentem/various
R: Arcane, D: Mom, T: Ind
Mastered 2 (Imperturbable, Multicast)
Alexios can communicate with any intelligent being that he has an Arcane Connection to/with. This includes all of the other spectral soldiers of Kush, with whom he shares a Permanent Arcane Connection. This, combined with his Penetration score and his Might, his Penetration of 51 allows him to communicate with any of the other specters (even Prince Keshan with his Might of 40, or King Kush with his Might of 50). He also has Visions, which alerted him to when the "intelligence" of the Iron Tablet was awoken by Solomon. He then used his Communion power upon it, using the empty sarcophagus as a Permanent Arcane Connection. He is able to Penetrate the Aegis of Andorra, but not the Door to the Secret Vault of Valdarius. In other operations, such as the specters now at Andorra, he communicates through other soldiers and reports directly to the Prince.
InMe(various)50 (Base 15, +4 Arcane, +1 Concentration, +1 communicate with any sort of intelligence, +1 requisites; non Hermetic)
Greater Power (50 levels), Improved Power (8 points; -5 cost, 15xp Mastery, 5xp Penetration)