Carlos Gutierrez
guitar player, carefree carouser, lady's man, agent of fortune, old soldier, and Roberto's oldest friend
Age: 44
Current Date: Winter 1234
Chronology: Born in 1190, became an almogavar in the Sergovia Company in 1205 at age 15 and meets Roberto, migrated to Normandy with Roberto in 1220 at age 30, came to Bibracte with Roberto in 1227, Spanish Rose 1228, Alabaster Lioness (Pedro dies), Heracleion, Ibiza; currently 1234 and age 44
Characteristics: Int +0, Per -1, Com +0, Pre +2, Str -1, Sta +0, Dex +2, Quik +2
Size: -1
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (0)
Confidence: 0
Personality Traits: Loyal +1, Brave +1, Loves the Ladies +2, Relaxed +3
Reputations: Incorrigible Womanizer 2 (Local, men), Sensitive and Discrete Lover (Hermetic, women)
Virtues & Flaws
Virtues: +0 Covenfolk, +1 Lightning Reflexes, +1 Venus' Blessing, +1 Warrior; +1 Hermetic Experience1
Flaws: -1 Carefree, -1 Small Frame, -1 Weakness (women); -1 Lost Friend1
(1Transformation from Life Experience)
Dodge: Init +2, Atk n/a, Def +6, Dmg n/a
Grapple/Fistfight: Init +2, Atk +6, Def +6, Dmg -1
Guitar/Bludgeon: Init +2, Atk +8, Def +6, Dmg +1
Knife: Init +2, Atk +8, Def +7, Dmg +1
Thrown Knife: Init +2, Atk +9, Def n/a, Dmg +1
Herrero Shortsword1 (& Magic Buckler): Init +3, Atk +12, Def +9 (+11), Dmg +5(+7)
1Toledo Steel, Enchanted
Soak: +0
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-4), -3 Med (5-8 ), -5 Hvy (9-12), Incap (13-16), Dead (17+)
Spanish-Aragonese 5 (rhymes), Iberian Lore 3 (legends); Animal Handling 2 (horses), Athletics 2 (acrobatics), Awareness 3 (details), Bargain 3 (fence), Brawl 4 (knife), Carouse 4 (drinking songs), Catalan 4 (sing), Concentration 2 (pay attention), Charm 4 (ladies), Flemish 3 (slang), French 3 (talking to women), Folk Ken 3 (covenfolk), Guile 3 (innocent face), Hunt 1 (trap), Intrigue 3 (gossip), Latin 3 (Hermetic), Leadership 2 (hair brained schemes), Legerdemain 3 (tricks), Magic Lore 1 (wizards), Music 5 (guitar), Normandy Lore 2 (magi), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Roberto of Flambeau), Profession-Seaman 1 (avoid hard work), Profession-Soldier 3 (shield grog), Ride 2 (travel), Single Weapon 5 (short sword), Stealth 3 (hide in shadows), Survival 2 (forage), Thrown Weapon 5 (knife)
Equipment: Spanish guitar, knife, short sword, knife, crucifix, knife, magic buckler, knife, purse (12 silver coins), extra knife
Encumbrance: 1 (Load 1, Burden 1, Str -1)
Enchanted Items
Magic Buckler: Lesser Enchanted Item (24qp]
MuHe20 Aegis of Unbreakable Wood
R: Item, D: Concentration, T: Ind, Item Concentrates, Unlimited Use, +1 Defense
Enchanted Herrero Shortsword: Lesser Enchanted Item
MuTe30 Edge of the Razor
R: Item, D: Concentration, T: Ind; Item Concentrates, Unlimited Use, +10 Penetration; +2 Dmg