- Armando, captain of the guard
- Bashir ibn Kamal, doctor and surgeon
- Bernat del Cavall
- Carlos Gutierrez, ladies man, musician, veteran soldier, Roberto's right hand man
- Cecilia de Mercere Redcap assigned to the Mercere guild house, and wife to Lucas
- Donna the Weaponsmith
- Draganna, linguist
- Father Gonzoles, priest in the village of Arans
- Fausto, swordmaster of Andorra
- Jacsik, groom of the Dragon
- Marius of Scholomance, teacher lent to the covenant by House Tremere
- Micaela, otherworldly apprentice to Vocis
- Phillipe, Knight Brother Templar
- Selim ibn Ahmed, a Jann-blooded bedouin
Past Companions:
- Bernhard der Blutig, Forge-Companion and cousin to Vulcanus
- Stephanos Hephaistoi, venditor for Vulcanus of Flambeau
- Ludwig, sarcastic goblin with a culinary flair, companion to Vulcanus of Flambeau
- Moses Mendez died of old age in Winter 1235
- Alexandro Pedro Perez, Carmen's Brother & Companion, is the Captain of the Andoran Guard
- Arnau d'Orfes, Sahir Hunter and Mercenary captain