Filius of Kyra of Verditius. 20 years out of gauntlet
Table of Contents
Covenant: Andorra
Int +2, Per 0, Pre +2, Com 0, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 64 (26), Height: 180 cm, Weight: 80 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 2 (08,25)
Confidence: 1 (11)
Sigil: Dimir's eyes glow red and/or arcane symbols appear
Virtues and Flaws:
- Affinity with Rego, Affinity with Creo, Apt Student (Learning Bonus: +5), Bind Magical Creatures, Book Learner (Book Quality: +3), The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Items of Quality, Minor Magical Focus (Magical Spirits), Puissant Magic Theory, Second Sight, Strong Sidhe Blood, Verditius Elder Runes, Verditius Magic
- Bound Magic, Hubris, Incomprehensible, Plagued by Supernatural Entity (Ennemy Spirits), Proud, Slow Caster, Warped Magic (People have a feeling of fear), Wrathful
Personality Traits:
Chivalrous +2, Cruel +2, Enjoys the good life +1, Hubris +2, Regal +3
- Gauntlet: Init: -1, Attack +3, Defense +4, Damage +3
- Dodge: Init: -1, Attack —, Defense +3, Damage —
- Fist: Init: -1, Attack +4, Defense +4, Damage +1
- Kick: Init: -2, Attack +3, Defense +2, Damage +4
- Dagger: Init: -1, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage +4
- Excellent Sword, Great: Init: +1, Attack +13, Defense +10, Damage +10 (+4 harm human and animal bodies)
- Soak: +16
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Area Lore: Iberia 1 (geography), Artes Liberales 1 (cermonial magic), Athletics 1 (grace), Awareness 2 (alertness), Blacksmith 4 (Armors) [Category: Consumables], Brawl 2 (Fist), Charm 1 (Debate), Code of Hermes 1 (wizards' marches), Concentration 1 (spell concentration), Covenant Lore: Andorra 2 (personalities), Etiquette 1 (nobility), Finesse 2 (Targeting) (9), Folk Ken 1 (magi), Great Weapon 5 (Sword, Great), Guile 1 (lying to authority), Intrigue 1 (plotting), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 2 (intimidation), Magic Lore 3 (Spirits), Magic Theory 6 (enchanting items) (20), Occitan 5 (Catalan), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (politics), Parma Magica 5 (Mentem), Penetration 1 (Rego), Philosophiae 6 (Verditius Runes) (2), Second Sight 2 (invisible things) (5), Stealth 1 (hide), Verditius Cult Lore 5 (initiating self)
Cr 14, In 5, Mu 5, Pe 10, Re 14, An 7, Aq 4, Au 5, Co 7, He 7, Ig 5, Im 2, Me 3, Te 7, Vi 10
Excellent Full Metal Scale Armor
- (Soak: 15; Protection: 15; Quality Armor: +2; Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Spring 1216; Item of Quality: Armor: +7 protect wearer (limited to +6 Philosophiae))
Gauntlet of Strength
- (Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Winter 1212; Vis Capacity: 10; Total Pawns Invested: 3; Total
- Effect Level: 25; Lesser Device; Effect Name: Strong Arm; Effect Level: 25; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind, Requisites: Animal, Herbam, Corpus, Frequency: 1/day, Trigger: Constant, Penetration: 24; Arts: ReTe 10; Design: Base 3, +2 Sun, +1 Touch). A lot like Unseen Porter, but with Touch range, it also gives +5 str to shake hands manly or to strangle someone.
- It uses the power of a bound Earth Elemental named Bortad
Wings of Steel
- (Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Summer 1218; Vis Capacity: 20; Extra Shape and Material Bonus for Verditius Magic (Philosophiae): +6; Total Pawns Invested: 12; Verditius Elder Runes (5): Rego; Technique Rune: Ice (Alder); Total Effect Level: 110
- Effect Name: Wings of the Soaring Wind; Effect Level: 50; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, Requisites: Rego, Unlimited use, Concentration; Arts: CrAu 30; Design: Base 20, +1 Conc, +1 Touch
- Effect Name: Activation of the Linked Trigger; Effect Level: 40; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, Frequency: 24/day, Concentration; The wearer of the wings must allow this effect to penetrate when they initially put them on, but thereafter it remains active for as long as they wear it. It reads the wearer’s surface thoughts, and allows him to activate/deactivate effects by silent mental command.; Arts: InMe 25; Design: Base 15, +1 Conc, +1 Touch;
- Effect Name: Bladed Wings of Slashing Death; Effect Level: 20; Effect Details: R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind, Requisites: Creo, Unlimited use; Control or move metal or gemstone in a very unnatural fashion. This allows the "wings" to move and strike at the caster's command. The Creo requisite is for those slight unnatural alterations where the wings actually become longer in order to strike someone. They hit with Finesse, and do damage as a short sword would to; Arts: ReTe 5; Design: Base 5)
- The metal is enchanted with a mesh of ghostly swordsmen who were able to fly and strike tangible targets.
Ring of Pure Flame
- (Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Autumn 1216; Vis Capacity: 15; Extra Shape and Material Bonus for Verditius Magic (Philosophiae): +6; Total Pawns Invested: 15; Verditius Elder Runes (10): Creo, Ignem; Technique Rune: Health (Birch); Form Rune: Sun (Juniper); Total Effect Level: 130
- Effect Name: Elemental Fireflies; Effect Level: 70; Effect Details: R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind, Unlimited use, Penetration: 40; Create a fire doing +20 damage; Arts: CrIg 25; Design: Base 15, +3 Sight. See the Spell Wiki
- Effect Name: Arc of Fiery Ribbons; Effect Level: 60; Effect Details: R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Group, Unlimited use, Penetration: 30; Arts: CrIg 25; Design: Base 5, +2 Group, +2 Voice)
- Contains a powerfull Fire Elemental named Klerash
Gem of Spirit Mastery (Collar)
- (Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Spring 1217; Vis Capacity: 15; Extra Shape and Material Bonus for Verditius Magic (Philosophiae): +6; Total Pawns Invested: 15; Verditius Elder Runes (10): Rego, Vim; Technique Rune: Ice (Alder); Form Rune: Ogre (Hawthorn); Total Effect Level: 130
- Effect Name: Enslave the Magical Spirit; Effect Level: 70; Effect Details: R: Voice, D: Moon, T: Ind, Frequency: 24/day, Penetration: 50; Control a disembodied spirit of Vim (See the Spell Wiki); Arts: ReVi 30; Design: Base 5, +3 Moon, +2 Voice
- Effect Name: Sap the Griffin's Strength; Effect Level: 60; Effect Details: R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind, Frequency: 24/day, Penetration: 50; Summon a disembodied spirit of Vim; Arts: PeVi 20; Design: Base 10, +2 Voice)
- An exception, this is a "genuine" magical item, as these are the only kind of "spells" DT's tradition can cast.
Ring of Prometheus
- The ring is a seemingly undiscernable stream of various materials, some impossible to craft like this through mundane means, blending Bronze, Magnet and Mercury, but also strange materials like Streams of Amber, Ivory, Rock Crystal, and Jade. Not only would such a feat had been difficult with mundane metals, it is all but impossible with, for exemple, stones. Yet the magus managed it (Ok, this isn't hard, since it's a free part of talisman creation^^). Its interior arbors many runes of power, designed to enhance its powers, but proheminently to contain the spirits bound in it: Not only did Dimir Taar enslave Seiffedin, a powerfull spirit of Corpus, designed to keep him and others alive and fighting where he should have died long ago, but he also captured and bound countless minor spirits (and some less minor), forcing them to cooperate to produce a greater version of the teleportation power he bound to himself long ago.
- (Creator: Dimir Taar; Created: Spring 1221; Vis Capacity: 10; Extra Shape and Material Bonus for Verditius Magic (Philosophiae): +6; Total Pawns Invested: 13; Verditius Elder Runes (10): Rego, Corpus; Technique Rune: Ice (Alder); Form Rune: Man (Holly); Talisman; Total Effect Level: 105.
- Effect Name: Undending Stamina of the Gods; Effect Level: 40; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, Frequency: 24/day, Concentration; Eliminate the penalties of Fatigue and wounds; Arts: ReCo 20; Design: Base 10, +1 Conc, +1 Touch. This effects makes the target immune to all but the most deadly wounds, enabling him to continue to battle and cast spells where lesser men would have failed long ago. He can still pass out from fatigue, though.
- Effect Name: Leaps of Hermes; Effect Level: 65; Effect Details: R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Group, Unlimited use; Transport the target instantly up to seven leagues; Note: Exagerated Sigil: The targets appear to disappear/appear in a cloud of arcane runes; Arts: ReCo 45; Design: Base 30, +2 Group, +1 Touch). The targets are transported to any place up to 7 leagues that the caster can see or has an arcane connection to.
Key to the Vault
- Being the elder Verdi of the covenant, Dimir Taar has the Master Key to the Vault of Valdarius
Encumbrance: 2 (3)
Bound Powers:
These were bound to Dimir Taar's gift using Bind Magical Creatures.
- "Charm the Daughter of Men" Power (CrMe15, Range: Touch, Duration: Sun, Target: Ind). No words or gestures. Special Abilities: Control a target's mental state: This spell makes the target lust after the caster.
- "Elude the Grasp of Mortal Men" Power (ReCo30, Range: Per, Duration: Mom, Target: Ind). No words or gestures. Special Abilities: Transport the target instantly up to 500 paces, with its clothes and equipment (As a Higher-level Wizards's Leap with requisites)
Spells Known:
In fact, save the Vim spells, these all call for airy spirits to perform their powers (this is pure fluff).
Animal Spells
- Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15) +9
Herbam Spells
- Shriek of the Impending Shafts (InHe 15) +9
Ignem Spells
- Deflect the Fire (ReIg 20) +19. As Ward Against Heat and Flames, with range personnal.
Imaginem Spells
- The Devil's Charm (MuIm 5) +7. Like Aura of Ennobled Presence, with Personnal range, and applies to attemps to seduce or charm someone.
- Ennobled Presence (MuIm 5) +7. As Aura of Ennobled Presence, with range personnal
- Personnal Invisibility (PeIm 15) +12. As Veil of Invisibility, with range personnal
- Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10) +16
Mentem Spells
- The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) +17
Terram Spells
- Deflect the incoming Swords (ReTe 20) +21. Keep all metal or gemstone away from your body, or ward a target against metal or gemstone, giving him +15 to soak. Target: Per, Duration: Mom.
- The Unseen Porter (ReTe 10) +21
Vim Spells
- Enslave the Magical Spirit (ReVi 30) +34. Control a disembodied spirit of Vim. See the Spell Wiki (Coerce the Spirit of Magic).
- Summon the Magical Spirit (ReVi 40) +34. Summon a disembodied spirit of Vim. See the Spell Wiki (Summoning the Spirit of Magic).
Dimir Taar is an arrogant bastard, but he has his soft sides, too. Like the 2 faces of a coin, he can be both generous and noble with his friends and the weak, or cruel and vindicative with his ennemies and the weak.
He has been a member of the knights-of-seneca for several years now.
Dimir Taar presumably disappeared into Twilight in 1229. He may return someday, or he may not. One never knows.