Elena ex Mercere

Elena ex Mercere - at start (1240)
Elena's Advancement

Elena's Crafting

Vital Statistics

Year: Autumn 1243
Size: 0
Age: 14
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence: 1
Sigil: a brief feeling of déjà vu accompanies Elena's magic. As if what's happening has either happened before, or has always been like that and just wasn't noticed before.


Helpful +3; Shy +2; Timid +1


Characteristic Base Score
Int +3
Per +2
Pre -2
Com -1
Str -1
Sta +2
Dex -1
Qik +1

Virtues and Flaws


Affinity: muto (minor, hermetic); Apt Student (minor); Apprentice (free, social); Deft Form: mentem (minor, hermetic); Flexible Magic (major, hermetic); Minor Magical Focus: transforming memories (minor, hermetic); Mutantum Magic (free, house - inherited); Mythic Mimicry (major, heroic); The Gift (free, special).


Bound Magic (minor, hermetic); Compassionate (major, personality); Curse of Venus (major, story - inherited); Humble (minor, personality); Legacy (minor, story); Covenant Upbringing (minor, personality); Tragic: communication - nervous speaker (minor, heroic).


Ability Score Specialty XP
Athletics 3 (running) 30
Area Lore (Andorra) 2 (personalities) 15
Artes Liberales 2 (ritual magic) 19
Awareness 3 (searching) 30
Charm 2 (adorkable) 15
Code of Hermes 1 (tribunal procedures) 5
Latin 4 (hermetic usage) 50
Lore (Order of Hermes) 1 (politics) 5
Magic Lore 2 (creatures) 18
Magic Theory 6 (assisting in lab) 105
Occitan 5 (vocabulary) 75
Stealth 3 (being inconspicuous) 30
Survival 1 (plotting a course) 5



Technique/Form Score Experience
Creo 6 21
Intellego 0 0
Muto 0 0
Perdo 0 0
Rego 1 1
Animal 5 17
Aquam 0 0
Auram 0 0
Corpus 0 0
Herbam 0 0
Ignem 0 0
Imaginem 0 0
Mentem 0 0
Terram 0 0
Vim 8 37

Spell List



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