Vital Statistics
Size: 0
Age: 10
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence: 1
Sigil: a brief feeling of déjà vu accompanies Elena's magic. As if what's happening has either happened before, or has always been like that and just wasn't noticed before.
Helpful +3; Shy +2; Timid +1
Virtues and Flaws
Affinity: muto (minor, hermetic); Apt Student (minor); Apprentice (free, social); Deft Form: mentem (minor, hermetic); Flexible Magic (major, hermetic); Minor Magical Focus: transforming memories (minor, hermetic); Mutantum Magic (free, house - inherited); Mythic Mimicry (major, heroic); The Gift (free, special).
Bound Magic (minor, hermetic); Compassionate (major, personality); Curse of Venus (major, story - inherited); Humble (minor, personality); Legacy (minor, story); Covenant Upbringing (minor, personality); Tragic: communication - nervous speaker (minor, heroic).