Father Gonzoles

Father Clemente Gonzoles: (former Templar)
Year: 1220
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +0, Com +1, Pre +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Quik +1
Size: 0
Age: 58
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Personality Traits: Easy Going +3


+1 Arcane Lore, +1 Educated, +2 Improved Characteristics, +1 Priest, +1 Relic, +1 Sense Holy/Unholy, +1 Social Contacts-Iberian Militant Orders, +1 Well Traveled, +1 Warrior,


-3 Generous, -3 Favors (Templars), -1 Carefree, -1 Incomprehensible, -1 Poor Student, -1 Vow of Celibacy


Fistfight: Init +1, Atk +9, Def +8, Dmg +2
Long-sword & Kite-shield: Init +3, Atk +15, Def +14, Dmg +8
Long-spear* : Init +4, Atk +12, Def +9, Dmg +9
Lance & Kite-shield while Mounted*: Init +3, Atk +17, Def +15, Dmg +7

Soak: +2 (11 when clad in full mail)
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)

Equipment: Long-sword, Kite Shield, Finger-bone of Saint James embedded in sword handle
Encumbrance: 0 (2 when clad in full mail)


Arabic 3 (courtly), Artes Liberales 2 (literacy), Athletics 3 (fitness), Animal Handling 3 (horses), Awareness 3 (combat), Brawl 6 (fistfight), Carouse 3 (drinking songs), Catalan 4 (Andorra), Chirurgy 2 (sever bleeding), Church Lore 4 (military orders), Divine Lore 3 (saints), Etiquette 2 (magi), Folk Ken 3 (warriors), Great Weapon 6 (long-spear), Iberian Lore 4 (New Castile), Infernal Lore 1 (diablists), Latin 4 (ecclesiastic), Leadership 4 (warriors), Magic Lore 3 (wizards), Magic Theory 2 (spells), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (Iberia), Profession-Scribe 2 (correspondence), Profession-Soldier 4 (marches), Spanish 5 (Castilian), Ride 5 (combat), Sense Holy & Unholy 4, Single Weapon 8 (longsword), Strategy 4 (tactics), Survival 3 (harsh conditions), Theology 3 (salvation)


Father Clemente Gonzoles was a Knight Templar who met Antonio many years ago when the two cooperated to overcome Infernal forces that tormented a small village in Andalusia. Over the years, the two had reoccurring encounters dealing with common interests. He was eventually ordained as a Brother Chaplin, and later by special dispensation of the Grand Master, he left his order to become the priest of Arans. He still has connections with the Templars, and they can call on him for favors at any time. He has Social Contacts with various Iberian crusaders, mainly with the Templars, but also with other orders such as the Knights of Santiago and the Knights of Calatrava. The Covenant owns the church and cottage, and had some influence in determining who their local priest was. The Templars have had interactions with the magi before, and granted dispensation to Clemente so they could have good relations with a Hermetic covenant.

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