Size: -3
Mentem Might: 13 (10+3 for size)
Int 1 Per 1
Pre -2 Com 3
Str -7 Sta 0
Dex 3 Quick 4
cleanly +2
critical +1
vain +2
gift of speech (minor 1)
Personal power :hands of the magical animal (minor1)
vis sourcex2:creo (minor 2)
Ritual power:grant minor virtue(second sight) (major3)
improved confidence (minor 2)
improved characteristics (minor 2)
Personal power :gift og the frog's legs (minor 1)
Gift of Tongues (minor 1)
educated (minor 1)
font of knowledge (minor 1)
susceptible to deprivation (minor -1)
reduced attack (claws) (minor -1)
reduced damage (claws) (minor -1)
reduced abilities (minor -2)
perfect balance(minor+1)
Puissant Awareness(minor+1)
sharp ears(minor+1)
unaffected by the gift(minor+1)
good teacher(minor+1)
second sight(minor+1)
arcane lore(minor+1)
magical freind(minor-1)
craving for travel(minor-1)
cat speak 5
athletics 3
awareness 4
brawl 3
stealth 4
hunt 4
artes Liberales 3 (8)
Latin 5
Second Sight 5
leadership 4
guile 4
magic theory 5
magic lore 4
Faerie Lore 3
Finesse 5
Teaching 4
Order of Hermes Lore 7
Classic Greek 5
Philosophae 4
hedge witch magic theory 2
intrigue 4
area lore -Marseille 3
font of knowledge 7
Grant Second Sight (Ritual: 25)
Might Cost: 5, Initiative: Qik-10, Form: Vim, Range: Touch, +1.
Hands of the Magical Animal (Personal: 25)
Might Cost: 0, Initiative: Qik-1, Form: Terram, Range: Touch, +1, Duration: Sun, +2, Target: Ind, +0
Level: ReTe15, Design: 15 levels (Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 constant), -2 Might cost
Leap of the Mighty Cat (as Gift of the Frog's Legs) (Personal: 25)
Might Cost: 0, Initiative: Qik+0, Form: Corpus, Range: Per, +0, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0
Level: ReCo10, Design: 10 levels (Base 10), -1 Might cost, +1 Initiative cost. 05 levels spent on Mastery 1 (Fast-Casting specialty)