Holy Man of God
This is a template for a Mythic Companion.
The Holy Man of God is a man (or woman) devoted to serving God in all he does. He may be a Christian priest, a Jewish rabbi, a Moslem imam, or even just a holy hermit who lives a pure life. He stands forth n the community as an exemplar of what a devout person should be.
Required Virtues
- Immunity to the Gift
- Mendicant Friar, Priest, Wise One, or any similarly appropriate Social Status Virtue
- Minor Vow (varies with tradition)
- Sense Holiness and Unholiness
- Temperate
- True Faith
A Holy Man of God must take four points of Flaws to pay for these Virtues, and may take an additional six points of Flaws, which grant a further twelve points of Virtues.
Minimum Ability Scores
Dominion Lore 3
Sense Holiness and Unholiness 3
Theology 3