Kenza filia Castet Tremeris +00


Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre +1, Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex -3, Qik +2
Size: 0
Age: 27 (27), Height: 175 cm, Weight: 77 kg, Gender: Female
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Personality Traits: Cheerful +1, Loyal to House Tremere +2, Malicious +1, Organized +2


Affinity with Creo, Flawless Magic (Spell Mastery Experience: Doubled), The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Improved Characteristics, Minor Magical Focus (Certamen)*, Minor Potent Magic (Conjure Acid), Puissant Parma Magica, Puissant Penetration, Puissant Finesse


Busybody, Deficient Technique (Muto), Incompatible Arts (Perdo Animal, Perdo Ignem), Overconfident, Unimaginative Learner (Studying from Raw Vis: -3)


Dodge: Init: +1, Attack —, Defense +2, Damage —
Fist: Init: +1, Attack -3, Defense +2, Damage +0
Kick: Init: +0, Attack -3, Defense +1, Damage +3
Soak: +2
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)


Arabic 5 (Derija), Area Lore: Transylvania Tribunal 2, Artes Liberales 1 (cermonial magic), Athletics 1 (running), Awareness 2 (determining effect), Carouse 2 (games of chance), Charm 2 (being witty), Code of Hermes 1 (wizards' marches), Concentration 3 (spell concentration), Covenant Lore: Coeris 1 (personalities), Etiquette 1 (Magi), Faerie Lore — (Mountain Faeries), Finesse 1+2 (targeting), Folk Ken 1 (magi), Guile 1 (elaborate lies), House Tremere Lore 1 (Doctrina), Infernal Lore — (demons), Intrigue 1 (alliances), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 2 (magi), Magic Lore 1 (creatures), Magic Theory 3 (learning spells), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (politics), Parma Magica 1+2 (Ignem), Penetration 1+2 (Aquam), Philosophiae 1 (ceremonial magic), Soldier 1 (Sieges), Teaching 1 (Apprentices)


Cr 7, In 0, Mu 0, Pe 1, Re 5, An 3, Aq 6, Au 0, Co 5, He 3, Ig 3, Im 5, Me 0, Te 5, Vi 1


Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:

Aquam Spells

Alchemical Water (CrAq 20) +19, Mastery 1 (penetration). Creates a geyser of acid that does +10 damage
Sight of the Naiad (InAq 10) +9, Mastery 1 (quiet casting). You can see as clearly through water as through air

Corpus Spells

Wizard's Leap (ReCo(AnHeTe) 15) +11, Mastery 1 (fast casting)
Angel Step (ReCo 15) +13, Mastery 1 (quiet casting). Allows the caster to walk on air as if on solid ground, although she needs to concentrate in order to change directions.
In Christ's Footsteps (ReCo 5) +13, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +15, Mastery 1 (boosted casting)

Ignem Spells

Lamp without Flame (CrIg 10) +13, Mastery 1 (quiet casting)

Imaginem Spells

Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10) +13, Mastery 1 (fast casting)

Terram Spells

Invisible Sling of Vilano (ReTe 10) +13, Mastery 1 (multiple casting)
Seal the Earth (CrTe 15) +15, Mastery 1 (ceremonial casting)

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