Individuals of Current Importance
- Erat Caecus of Tytalus, Last Apprentice of Val-Negra, Criminal Mastermind
- Florenzo of Jerbiton, mundane heir of former member Rodrigo of Mercere
- Father Vilanis, A Franciscan monk and priest who served the Papal Inquisition
- Leolinus of Jerbiton, fiend and diabolist
- Metron the Flaming Shadow, rogue magus and enemy of the Order
- Pietro of Flambeau
- Trentus of Flambeau
Friends and Family
- Edvard de Mercere, Younger son of Lucas and Cecilia
- Elinor de Mercere, Older daughter of Lucas and Cecilia
- Golda Benveniste, Carmen's mother
- Maria de Mercere, Younger daughter of Lucas and Cecilia
- Sigmundo the Dragon, the old and powerful neighbor of the covenant
- Stephanus de Mercere, Older son of Lucas and Cecilia
- Talbot ex Mercere, a kindly older magus who is parens of Lucas
- Wirth Filius Hugues of Flambeau, Roberto's old friend
The Village of Arans
- Father Gonzoles, a former Templar, is the church priest, and a friend of Antonio
- Johan Mueller, the owner of the Seven Stars, the tavern/inn in Arans
- Julius, a glassblower in Arans
- Senor Ferrari, the richest man in Arans
Noteworthy Organizations
- The Covenant of Barcelona
- House Mercere, its Redcaps and Gifted Magi
- The Covenants of Iberia
- The Knights of Seneca
- The Covenants of Provence
- The Quaesitores of Duresca
- The Tremere Magi of Transylvania
Days Past
- Antonio of Flambeau, Carmen's Parens
- Augusto the Sergeant, a guard leader
- Decimus's Servants
- Hugues filius Impara of Flambeau, Wirth's pater. A knight-magus that bridges the lineages of Flambeau and Apromor
- Ian McNaught, a faerie companion to Viola of Merinita
- Isabeau of Flambeau is Xalbator's parens
- Kyra of Verditius, Dimir Taar's Parens
- Maria the Wise Woman, healer and adviser to magi and covenfolk alike.
- Nurse Xemina, a healer, daughter of Marcellus of Flambeau
- Nimoy of Verditius, another Verditius cultist know for his knowledge of cult lore and mysteries
- Rodrigo Vasquez of Mercere
Famous Beasts and Mythic Beings
- The Brute, protector of the innocents
- Lux, Elaine of Flambeau's old familiar
- Lost Children of Perdut: The children of lost Val-Negra's dead villagers, forever changed by magic
- The Aerie Clan, covenfolk of Val Negra
- The Merfolk of Heracleion, and the monsters menacing it.
- Typical Andorran Ogre
- Khyron
- El Diablo Rojo (gone)
- Salakk, the Salt Wyrm of Las Salines, was obliterated by Carmen in 1230, only to return in 1235