Phelippe De Sancerre


Characteristics: Str 3, Dex -1, Sta 2, Int 0, Per -1, Com 0, Pre 1, Qik -1
Size: 0
Age: 30
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 15 stone (210 lbs)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (3)
Faith: 1 (via Relic; grants MR 10, and a 1-point confidence equivalent)
Confidence: 1(3)


Knight (minor) - specifically, Knight Templar (retired)
Reserves of Strength (once per day, +3 Str. 2 Fatigue rolls after)


Ability Block (subterfuge) - covers Guile, Stealth, Charm, Intrigue
Prohibition against Lying - Palsied Hands (-2 to all rolls involving an object) until confessed and shriven
Weakness for cats

Personality Traits:

Honest +3
Pious +1
Wrathful +1


Superior Lance (+2 Init, +5 Atk, 0 Dfn, +5 Dam)
Superior Longsword (+2 Init, +5 Atk, +1 Dfn, +6 Dam)
Superior Heater Shield (+4 Dfn)
Superior Mail Suit (+10 Prot)
Horse (a white Courser, named Kit - as a diminutive of "Christopher", since it carries Phelippe as the Saint carried Christ)

Load: 9 (mail, sword, shield). 11 with +Lance
Burden: 3 (or 4 +Lance)
Encumbrance: 0 (or 1 +Lance)


Lance & Shield: Init +1, Atk +13, Def +12, Dam +8
Sword & Shield: Init +1, Atk +14, Def +14, Dam +9

Soak: 12
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)


French 5 (Poetry)
Aramaic 2 (with peasantry)
Area Lore: Sancerre 2 (Geography)
Area Lore: Jerusalem 2 (Merchants)
Animal Handling 1 (Horses)
Athletics 3 (in combat)
Awareness 2 (in combat)
Brawl 5 (grappling)
Etiquette 4 (Templars)
Faerie Lore 03xp
Latin 2 (Ecclesiastical)
Leadership 25xp (in combat)
Ride 5 (his horse, Kit)
Single Weapon 9 (Longsword)
Survival 1 (the Holy Land)
Swim 1 (distance)

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