Table of Contents
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +2, Str -1, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qui -2
Size: 0
Age: 64 (Appears 40) [Level 36 Longevity Ritual]
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 150#
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 3(40)
Confidence: 1(3)
The Gift (free)
Hermetic Magus (free)
Hermetic Prestige (Guernicus)
Affinity with Intellego (minor)
Book Learner (minor)
Cautious Sorcerer (minor)
Deft Form [Me] (minor)
Educated (minor)
Linguist (minor)
Puissant Intellego (minor)
Puissant Vim (minor)
Sense Holiness and Unholiness (minor)
Strong-Willed (adventure)
True Friend [Sophia] (familiar)
Deficient Technique [Mu] (major)
Pious (major)
Plagued by Supernatural Entity [succubus] (major)
Lame (minor)
Personality Traits and Reputation
Calm +3
Quiet +2
Determined +2
Loyal to Sophia +3
Quaesitor Cum Auctoritate +3
Infernalist Hunter +2
Staff: Initiative +0, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +1
Soak: +5
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1-5), –3 (6-10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
Area Lore: Stonehenge Tribunal (Personalities) 2
Artes Liberales (Logic) 4
Awareness (Search) 3
Brawl (Dodging) 1
Charm (First Impressions) 3
Chirurgy (Binding Wounds) 1
Church Lore (History) 2
Civil and Canon Law (Papal Laws) 2
Code of Hermes (Tribunal Procedures) 5
Concentration (Reading) 3
Dead Language: Ancient Greek (Biblical Research) 4
Dead Language: Aramaic (Biblical Research) 4
Dead Language: Hebrew (Biblical Research) 4
Dead Language: Latin (Ecclesiastic) 5
Dominion Lore (Angels) 2
Etiquette (The Church) 1
Finesse (Precision) 2
Folk Ken (Clergy) 3
Great Weapon (Quarterstaff) 1
Infernal Lore (Demons) 4
Intrigue (Plots) 3
Living Language: Celtic (Welsh) 3
Living Language: English (West Saxon, Slang) 5
Living Language: French (Anglo-Norman) 3
Living Language: High German (Alemannic) 3
Living Language: Neopolitan (Northern Calabrian) 3
Living Language: Occitan (Catalan) 3
Living Language: Spanish (Castilian) 3
Magic Lore (Creatures) 2
Magic Theory (intellego) 6(114)
Order of Hermes Lore (Politics) 4
Parma Magica (Mentem) 5
Penetration (Vim) 5
Philosophiae (Moral Philosophy) 3
Profession: Scribe (Copying) 3
Sense Holiness and Unholiness (Evil) 5
Theology (Biblical Knowledge) 2
Creo 8
Intellego 14+3
Muto 0
Perdo 5
Rego 10
Animal 1
Aquam 0
Aurum 1
Corpus 10
Herbam 4
Ignem 2
Imaginem 4
Mentem 10
Terram 5
Vim 10+3
Creo Corpus
Bind Wound, CrCo 10 (ArM5 pg 129)
The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch, CrCo 20 (ArM5 pg 129)
Intellego Corpus
Physician's Eye, InCo 5 (ArM5 pg 130)
Whispers Through the Black Gate, InCo 15 (ArM5 pg 130)
Sight of the True Form, InCo 20 (ArM5 pg 130)
The Whole From the Part, InCo 20 (HOH:TL pg 72)
The Inexorable Search, InCo 20 (ArM5 pg 131)
Tracing the Trail of Death's Stench, InCo 20 (ArM5 pg 131)
Sight of the Molting Magus, InCo 25 (HOH:TL pg 72)
The Eye of the Sage, InCo(Im) 30 (ArM5 pg 131)
Rego Corpus
Curse of the Unruly Tongue, ReCo 5 (ArM5 pg 134)
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Mind, ReCo 5 (ArM5 pg 134)
Lifting the Dangling Puppet, ReCo 15 (ArM5 pg 134)
Wizard's Leap, ReCo 15 (HoH:S pg 36)
The Leap of Homecoming, ReCo 35 (ArM5 pg 136)
Intellego Herbam
Converse with Plant and Tree, InHe 25 (ArM5 pg 136)
Intellego Ignem
Tales of the Ashes, InIg 5 (ArM5 pg 141)
Shadows of the Fires Past, InIg 15 (ArM5 pg 141)
Intellego Imaginem
Prying Eyes, InIm 5 (ArM5 pg 144)
Summoning the Distant Image, InIm 25 (ArM5 pg 145)
Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood, InIm 30 (ArM5 pg 144)
Intelligo Mentem
Perception of the Conflicting Motives, InMe 15 (ArM5 pg 149)
Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie, InMe 20 (ArM5 pg 149)
Posing the Silent Question, InMe 20 (ArM5 pg 149)
Thoughts Within Babble, InMe 25 (ArM5 pg 149)
Ear of Truth, InMe 30 (HoH:TL pg 73)
Peering Into the Mortal Mind, InMe 30 (ArM5 pg 149)
Rego Mentem
The Call to Slumber, ReMe 10 (ArM5 pg 151)
Confusion of the Numbed Will, ReMe 15 (ArM5 pg 151)
Aura of Rightful Authority, ReMe 20 (ArM5 pg 151)
Trust Me, ReMe 20 (HoH:TL pg 73)
Intellego Terram
Stone Tell of the Mind That Sits, InTe 30 (ArM5 pg 153)
Intelligo Vim
Bitter Taste of Betrayal, InVi 15 (HOH:TL pg 75)
Piercing the Magic Veil, InVi 20 (ArM5 pg 158)
Impression of the Faded Sigil, InVi 30 (HOH:TL pg 75)
Odor of Lingering Magic, InVi 30 (HOH:TL pg 75)
Perdo Vim
Demon's Eternal Oblivion, PeVi 10 (ArM5 pg 160); Mastery 2 (penetration, fast-cast)
Rego Vim
Circular Ward Against Demons, ReVi 15 (ArM5 pg 162)
- Lab Texts: Sight of the Sigil, InVi 50
- Vis: 1 pawn Intellego
- Magic Items:
Talisman: Quarterstaff made from a Walnut tree with small brass rings encircling both ends of the staff
- Potential Space: 30 pawns, Opened Space: 8 pawns, Used Space: 7 pawns
- Attunements (4): +4 Demons; +4 Mind, +3 Living Wood, Ignem +3
- Create Torchlight, CrIg 14
R: Per, D: Item Maintains Concentration, T: Ind, 24 uses/day
Causes a light the equivalent of torchlight to radiate from the top of the staff.
(Base 3, +1 Conc; 5 levels for Item Maintaining Concentration, 5 levels for 24 uses/day)
- Thorny Staff, MuHe 7
R: Per, D: Diameter, T: Ind, 6 uses/day
Causes the top end of the staff to grow thick, sharp thorns. Adds +4 to the damage done by the staff.
(Base 3, +1 Diameter; 3 levels for 6 uses/day)
- Personal Demonic Ward, ReVi 34
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Ind, 6 uses/day, Talisman maintains concentration
This ward protects against demons with a Might up to 24 with a penetration of 24.
(base effect [level 24], -1 personal, -1 conc, 5 levels item maintains concentration, 3 level 6 uses/day, 12 levels penetration 24)
Sophia - Magic Owl Familiar
Magic Might: 20
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +3, Pre 0, Com 0, Str -6, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qui +6
Size: -4
Season: Summer
Virtues: Magic Animal (free), Improved Characteristics (minor), Keen Vision (minor), True Friend [Solomon] (familiar)
Flaws: Magical Friend (minor), Nocturnal (minor)
Magic Qualities: Greater Power: Immobilize Prey, Improved Might, Improved Soak, Minor Virtue: Improved Characteristics x3, Minor Virtue: Second Sight, Minor Virtue: Wilderness Sense, Unaffected by the Gift
Personality Traits: Owl +3, Wise +3, Loyal to Solomon +3
Claws: Initiative +5, Attack +7, Defense +13, Damage -4
Soak: +7
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5 (3), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
Area Lore: Rhine Tribunal (geography) 2
Athletics (flying) 5
Awareness (rodents) 4
Brawl (claws) 3
Hunt (rodents) 4
Magic Theory (assist in lab) 4(50)
Second Sight (ghosts) 3
Stealth (silent flying) 3
Survival (woods) 4
Wilderness Sense (find prey) 3
Immobilize Prey, 0 points, Init +6, Mentem or Animal.
R: Eye, D: Conc, T: Ind
Any creature that makes eye contact with the Owl is unable to move and may only make small whining or moaning sounds. The target may move only if he successfully makes a Strength roll against an Ease Factor of 9.
ReMe(An) 15 (Base 5, +1 Eye, +1 Conc): Greater Power (15 levels, –2 Might cost, 15xp in Penetration, +2 Init)
Gold Cord: 1 (5), Silver Cord 1 (5), Bronze Cord 3 (30)
Empowered Bond Effects:
Mental Communication (Solomon to Sophia, unlimited uses) CrMe 15
Mental Communication (Sophia to Solomon, unlimited uses) CrMe 15
Shared Senses (Sophia’s Sight, 12 uses/day) InMe 34