Tertio of Flambeau in 1236



Sta+1, Int +2, Str +2, Com -2, Pre -1, Dex +1, Qik +2, Per 0


Puissant Perdo
Affinity with Perdo
Flawless magic
Puissant parma
Ghostly Warder (Montazin ex Flambeau)
Improved characteristics
Skilled parens


Major Driven (answer the ghost’s questions about House Flambeau’s past so that he can rest)
Mentor (Montazin)
Twilight Prone
Infamous Master
Humble (Minor)
Offensive to animals


Athletics 1 (hiking)
Awareness 2 (alterness)
Brawl 1 (kick)
Folk Ken (peasants) 1
Survival 2 (finding food)

Hunt (traps) 2
Stealth 1 (moving silently)
Swim 1 (rivers)
Living Language Basque (peasants) 1

Artes Liberales (ceremonial casting) 1
Latin (Hermetic) 4
Magic Lore (ghosts) 1
Magic Theory (spell invention) 3
Order of Hermes Lore (House Flambeau) 1
Parma Magica (Ignem) 1+2
Penetration (Perdo) 2
Single Weapon (Long Sword) 1


Perdo 15+3 (80xp x 1,5 = 120xp)
Ignem 4 (60xp)
Imaginem 5
Mentem 4
Terram 4
Vim 5


Ignem Spells

The invisible candle CrIg5 (Base 2; +1 Touch, +2 sun), mastery 1: multiple
Warm clothes CrIg5 (base 2; +2 sun, +1 Touch), mastery 1: subtle

Imaginem Spells

Veil of Invisibility PeIm20; mastery 1: subtle

Mentem Spells

Loss of but a moment’s memory PeMe15; mastery 2: subtle, quiet
Minor Blessing of Childlike Bliss PeMe20; mastery 1: subtle (D: diameter)

Terram Spells

Hauberk of Supreme Lightness PeTe30; mastery 1: subtle

Vim Spells

Demon’s Eternal Oblivion PeVi10; Mastery 3: penetration, multiple, secure
Irony PeVi 10; Mastery 3 (DEO against fairies): penetration, multiple, secure
Sap the Griffin’s Strength PeVi10; Mastery 3: penetration, multiple, quick
Magic be gone PeVi25; mastery 1: subtle (blanket end magic spell up to lvl20+d10, used normally to end his own spells - like invisibility before sunset)

Ghost Warder: Montazin


Magic Might: 15 (Ignem)
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Pre -1, Com -1, Str 0, Sta 0, Dex 0, Qik 0
Size: 0
Season: Summer
Confidence: 1 (3)
Personality Traits: Dedicated +1, Pessimistic +2, Likes a show +2


Magic Spirit, Educated (50/50), Arcane Lore (50/50)


Magical Air*, Warped Senses: Sensitive (Sight), Driven (Discover House Flambeau's Past)


Lesser Power × 11: 275/275, Improved Abilities × 1 (+50 exp), Improved Recovery × 3 (1 Might/12 min)


Monstrous Appearance [Half-human, half-living ice, not unlike Iceman in the X-Men, only rougher], No Fatigue


Dodge: Init: +0, Attack —, Defense +0, Damage —
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +0, Defense +0, Damage +0
Kick: Init: -1, Attack +0, Defense -1, Damage +3
Soak: 0
Fatigue levels: Tireless
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)


Area Lore: Toulouse 3 (legends), Area Lore: Provencal Tribunal 1 (personalities), Artes Liberales 1 (astronomy), Awareness 2 (bodyguarding), Bargain 1 (Magical items), Charm 2 (Debate), Code of Hermes 2 (wizards' marches), Concentration 2 (spell concentration), Covenant Lore: ??? Covenant 3 (history), Etiquette 3 (nobility), Finesse 4 (targeting), Folk Ken 3 (magi), French 3 (Poitevin), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 2 (magi), Magic Lore 3 (regiones), Magic Theory 4 (Ignem), Occitan 5 (Catalan), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (history), Penetration 3 (Ignem), Philosophiae 2 (natural philosophy), Teaching 2 (Penetration)


Eidolon (Lesser: 50), Points: 0, Initiative: Qik-2, Form: Imaginem, Range: Touch, +1, Duration: Conc, +1, Target: Ind, +0, Level: CrIm15, Design: 15 levels, Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 move at command, +1 intricacy, -3 Might cost, +4 Initiative cost

Crush the Light (Lesser: 25), Points: 3, Initiative: Qik-8, Form: Ignem, Range: Touch, +1, Duration: Sun, +2, Target: Room, +2, Level: PeIg20, Design: 20 levels, Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room, -1 Might cost

Curse of the Rotted Wood (Lesser: 5), Points: 1, Initiative: Qik-2, Form: Herbam, Range: Touch, +1, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0, Level: PeHe5, Design: 5 levels, Base 4, +1 Touch

Dissolving the Wall of Shields (Lesser: 25), Points: 3, Initiative: Qik-8, Form: Mentem, Range: Voice, +2, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Group, +2, Level: PeMe20, Design: 20 levels, Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Group, -1 Might cost

Fist of Shattering (Lesser: 10), Points: 2, Initiative: Qik-4, Form: Terram, Range: Voice, +2, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0, Level: PeTe10, Design: 10 levels, Base 4, +2 Voice

Invisible Sling of Vilano (Lesser: 15), Points: 1, Initiative: Qik-4, Form: Terram, Range: Touch, +1, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0, Level: ReTe10, Design: 10 levels, Base 5, +1 Touch, -1 Might cost

Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (Lesser: 15), Points: 1, Initiative: Qik-4, Form: Terram, Range: Voice, +2, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0, Level: PeTe10, Design: 10 levels, Base 4, +2 Voice, -1 Might cost

Unseen Arm (Lesser: 5), Points: 1, Initiative: Qik-2, Form: Terram, Range: Voice, +2, Duration: Conc, +1, Target: Ind, +0, Level: ReTe5, Design: 5 levels, Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Conc

Wizard's Icy Grip (Lesser: 125), Points: 0, Initiative: Qik+1, Form: Ignem, Range: Voice, +2, Duration: Mom, +0, Target: Ind, +0, Level: PeIg30, Design: 30 levels, Base 20, +2 Voice, -6 Might cost, +13 Initiative cost

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