The Library in 1234

Damage: (-V) The book has suffered some sort of damage, such as water, age, burns, tears, and etceteras. This may be from multiple sources and/or increased severity. For a Summa, this penalty is also applied to the Level.
Redundant Summa Rule: If the library has two or more summae on the same subject, count the cost for only the book with the highest Quality + Level, and 1 point only for each of the others.
Didactic: An author may write a Didactic text, teaching a second subject alongside the primary one. The author selects a Didactic score, up to their Communication (+3 for Good Teacher). The student generates their study total as normal, but xp gain up the Didactic score may be diverted towards the secondary subject. A student may gain this bonus as long as his score in the subject is lower than the Didactic score. If his score equals or exceeds the Didactic score, then no extra benefit may be gained. Add one to the point cost of the text.

Arts - 726 points


Liberi de Creationé
Creo Summa: Level 20, Quality 14
Author: Bonisagus (Com +3, Good Teacher, Creo 40)
Features: +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarification
Notes: The book is a classic, and considered one of the greatest Branches of the Arts. The original was an ex-libris from Durenmar donated by Stephanos of Bonisagus, a former member. The covenant made this newer better copy, using Resonant Materials (silk from goblin spiders) and Clarification. As a historic note, this book originally had no title. It was merely Bonisagus’ Book on Creo. Eventually, it came to be known as THE Book on Creo (Liberi de Creatione means “Book of Creation” in some old dialect). The book was severely damaged in the Library Tower fire in 1229 when the covenant was attacked. However, for whatever reason, the book seems to be slowly repairing itself magically (Minor Benefit, +1 cost). Repaired by Sigmundo.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

On the Origin of Origins
Creo Summa: Level 15, Quality 16
Author: Lissa of Criamon (Com +5, Good Teacher, Creo 32)
Features: Copied by Amada from Vulcanus's original in winter 1231

The Legacy of Delendos
Creo Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: Joseph of Flambeau, of the lineage of Elaine, has been called one of the greatest authors of his era, because of the sheer number of good solid works in a wide variety of subjects.

Commentary on Liberi de Creationé
Creo Commentary: Quality 12
Author: Florenzo of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary


Eyes of the World
Intéllego Summa: Level 12, Quality 10
Author: Daltersen of Merinita, 1281 AA (Com 0, Intéllego 30)
Features: +3 Reduced Level, +1 Glossed

Commentary on Eyes of the World
Intéllego Commentary: Quality 11
Author: Florenzo of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary, -1 Damage

Shadows in the Aether
Intéllego Summa: Level 16, Quality 8
Author: Schrodier of Criamon (Com -2, Good Teacher, Intellego 32)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Schrodier the Blind of Criamon was a blind seer from the Cave of Twisting Shadows. He was a member of Andorra once, long ago, and explored the Caverns of Entropy. This inspired him to write this book. It is considered a minor Branch of the art of Intellego.

Reflections of the Shadows of Aether
Intéllego Tractatus: Quality 12
Author: Florenzo of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary
Notes: Florenzo, a member of Barcelona, is the son of Rodrigo of Mercere.


On Transmutation
Muto Summa Level 12, Quality 13
Author: Junola of Bonisagus (Com +1, Muto 33)
Features: +1 Glossed, +3 Reduced Level, +2 Resonance
Notes: Archmaga Junola was famous for her exceptional mastery of Muto-Vim magic. This book is considered one of the Roots of the Arts. Andorra's copy suffered minor fire damage in 1229. It was repaired and improved (+2 Resonance) by Sigmundo in spring 1230.

Mutations and Trasformations
Muto Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Xavier Ex-Miscellanea (Com +2)

Commentary on Transmutation
Muto Commentary: Quality 8
Author: Levarr of Gurnicus (Com +1)

Muto Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Orboros of Verditius (Com +4, Good Teacher)
Features: -3 Damage


Liberi de Perditu
Perdo Summa: Level 20, Quality 12
Author: Bonisagus (Com +3, Good Teacher, Perdo 40)
Notes: Book was reproduced by Sigmundo in summer 1231, eliminating destructive resonance materials.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

The Legacy of Apromor
Perdo Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Liberi de Perditu (exemplar edition)
Perdo Summa: Level 20, Quality 9
Author: Bonisagus (Com +3, Good Teacher, Perdo 40)
Features: -3 Exemplar

Legacy of the Forked Dragon
Perdo Tractatus Quality 9
Author: Fulminara of Flambeau (Com +2)
Features: +1 Glossed, Didactic (Order of Hermes Lore 2)
Notes: Bound together in a single codex with another tractatus on Ignem, sharing all of the same Features.


To Command!
Rego Summa: Level 13, Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Tremere (Com +1, Rego 32)
Features: +3 Reduced Level, +1 Glossed,
Notes: Written in 1067 by Joseph of Tremere, this book is traditionally considered one of the Foundations of the Arts.

Divine Authority
Rego Summa: Level 17, Quality 14
Author: Drusilla of Tremere (Com +3, Good Teacher, Rego 38)
Features: +2 Reduced Level
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by Cow & Calf oath.

Proper Command and Control
Rego Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Aaron of Jerbiton (Com +3, Good Teacher)
Features: -1 Minor Damage

Commentary on To Command
Rego Tractatus: Quality 13
Author:Aaron of Jerbiton (Com +3, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary

Commentary on Divine Authority
Rego Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Lucas of Tremere (Com +4)
Features: +1 Commentary
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by Cow & Calf oath.

Order Out of Chaos
Rego Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Mazaois of Criamon (Com +1, Good Teacher)
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by Cow & Calf oath.


Dominion Over God’s Creatures
Animal Summa Level 15, Quality 9
Author: Lodessa of Bjornaer (Com +3, Animal 30)
Features: Didactic (Rego 3)
Notes: This primer is considered one of the Roots of the Arts, and is a famous and widespread text. It was originally written by the venerable Lodessa of Bjornaer in 953 AD, who wrote it as a Didactict text.

Concerning the Art of Animal
Animal Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Salibar of Verditius (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Resonance, +1 Glossed
Notes: This new acquisition was written by the famous Zoological magus Salibar of Verditius. It is bound in the hide of a certain type of African wingless dragon that sheds its hide every six years

Commentary on the Dominion Over God’s Creatures
Animal Commentary: Quality 9
Author: Cornelius of Bonisagus (Com +2)
Features: +1 Commentary

Bestiary of Andorra
Animal Tractatus: Quality 6
Author: Antonio of Flambeau (Com +0)


Aquam Summa: Level 17, Quality 10
Author: Namoricus of Jerbiton (Com +0, Good Teacher, Aquam 38)
Features: +1 Glossed, +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clairified, -2 Damage
Notes: This is one of the classic Pillars of the Arts, written in 909 AD. by the famed mariner magus Namoricus of Jerbiton. Resonant materials include ink from a rare and exotic magical squid.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

Fury and Force of Gentle Water
Aquam Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Francis of Flambeau (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: -1 Flap Bound

Aquam Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Alvinius of Verditius, 1222 AD. (Com +2)


Jupiter’s Hammer
Auram Summa: Level 12, Quality 10
Author: Julius of Flambeau (Com +1, Auram 30)
Features: +3 Reduced Level
Notes: Julius filius Delendos was one of the early Knights of Seneca. He fought many battles, both against sahirs and alongside them. Eventually (after this book was written), he formed an alliance with the sahirs under the patronage of El Cid, and established the old Covenant of Valencia.

The Three Storms
Auram Summa: Level 16, Quality 12
Author: Gregorio of Flambeau (Com +0, Good Teacher, Auram 36)
Features: +2 Reduced Level, +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by Cow & Calf oath.

The Fires of the Sky
Auram Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Antonio of Flambeau (Com 0)
Features: +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarified
Notes: Resonant materials are the cover boards, taken from an oak tree struck by lightning.

Commentary on Jupiter’s Hammer
Auram Commentary: Quality 7
Author: Antonio of Flambeau (Com 0)
Features: +1 Commentary

Winds and Sky*
Auram Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, 1022 AD. (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: -3 Major Damage
Notes: This book is a classic of the Flambeau. It was written in 1022 by Joseph, who was the then head librarian magus at Val-Negra. It is said by some that he is the greatest magical writer House Flambeau ever produced, for the sheer proliferation of his quality tractati.


Corpus Summa: Level 15, Quality 10
Author: Julianna filius Arturis of Bonisagus (Com +2, Good Teacher, Corpus 34)
Features: +1 Minor Resonance, -2 Damage
Notes: Julianna was the filia of the prestegious and exceptional author Arturius of Bonisagus, and was trained to follow in his footsteps. She achieved a very high degree of knowledge in Corpus early on in life, partially as a result of being highly skilled at reading her master's exceptional text. But in greater part because she was obsessed with the Art and frequently studied from vis taken from trolls. She wrote few texts though, as her life was cut short by a troll-wizard more powerful than she anticipated. This was her final opus. Arturius avenged his filia, incorporating the fingerbones of the troll into the spine, and glossed the text. This text was a fortunate acquisition, and is probably one of the finest books in this library. Unfortunately, it suffered some damage in the fire.

Anatomy Humanitas
Corpus Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Aaron of Jerbiton (Com +3, Good Teacher)
Features: -2 Minor Damage
Notes: damaged in the fire

Commentary on Corporeum
Corpus Commentary: Quality 11
Author: Florenzo of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary, -1 Minor Damage
Notes: Damaged in the library fire.


Cycles of the Mired Domain
Herbam Summa: Level 12, Quality 10
Author: Alec of Tremere (Com +1, Herbam 30)
Features: +3 Lowered Level

A Tangled Hedge
Herbam Summa: Level 15, Quality 12
Author: Phoeba of Ex Miscellanea (Com +2, Good Teacher, Herbam 32)
Features: +1 Lowered Level
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

The Vine of Drewcilla
Herbam Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Jaques of Tytalus (Com +3)
Features: -1 Damage

Commentary on Cycles of the Mired Domains
Herbam Commentary: Quality 10
Author: Alan Ex-Miscellanea (Com +3)
Features: +1 Commentary

Conversations in the Marsh
Herbam Tractatus: Quality 9
Author: Alan Ex-Miscellanea (Com +3)


Riddles of Mars
Ignem Summa: Level 11, Quality 14
Author: Inirelte of Flambeau (Com +1, Ignem 36)
Features: +7 Lowered Level
Notes: Inielte was a renowned inventive genius and resident archmaga at Val Negra in the golden age.

Glorious Prometheus
Ignem Summa: Level 12, Quality 9
Author: Quintus of Flambeau (Com -1, Ignem 26)
Features: +1 Glossed, +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarified, +1 Reduced Level
Notes: A classic, written in 1111 by Quintus of Flambeau, this edition is a gift from Fuego Conflagaratius. Resonant Materials include the scales and sinues of a Firedrake used in the cover and binding of the tome. The book is considered classic because it was so popular in its day, and the only reason it was popular was because Quintus himself was so charismatic. His filia, Quinta (who glossed this edition), was a much better author. But she was never as famous.

Commentary on Glorious Prometheus
Ignem Commentary: Quality 9
Author: Quinta of Flambeau (Com 0, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary, -1 Minor Damage
Notes: Originally written in 1155 by Quinta filia Quintus of Flambeau.

Elaine's Opus
Ignem Summa: Level 24, Quality 12
Mastery (Phoenix Lance of Solar Fury) Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: Elaine filia Flambeau
Notes: Instead of vellum, the pages are made of membranous dragon-wing. The book is prefaced by the lab text for Phoenix Lance of Solar Fury. The summa is followed by a glossed and illuminated summa on the mastery of Phoenix Lance of Solar Fury. The book is concluded by notes, seemingly on how to use one's Twilight experiences to transform oneself into a being of pure Magic, but these notes are incomprehensible; there must be some kind of mysteries needed to make sense of it.

Legacy of the Forked Dragon
Ignem Tractatus Quality 9
Author: Fulminara of Flambeau (Com +2)
Features: +1 Glossed, Didactic (Order of Hermes Lore 2)
Notes: Bound together in a single codex with another tractatus on Perdo, sharing all of the same Features.


Apparitions and Phantasms
Imaginem Summa: Level 14, Quality 10
Author: Illeator of Bonisagus (Com 0, Good Teacher, Imaginem 28)
Features: +1 Glossed

The Illusionist’s Handbook
Imaginem Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Nystul of Merinita (Com +2)
Features: +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarified
Notes: Resonant Materials include spectral ink (a special formula), enchanted so that the letters come out at you for emphasis as you read.

Whispering Echoes of the Shadows of Sunlight
Imaginem Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Cryotax of Criamon (Com +1, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Glossed

Spectral Forces
Imaginem Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Mordenkainen of Bonisagus (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: Mordenkainen, Cryotax, and Nystul were members of the semi-mythical Covenant of Greyhawk, located somewhere deap in a Faerie regio or the Magic Realm.


Eye of Aggamatto
Mentem Summa: Level 13, Quality 11
Author: Tressa of Tremere (Com +3, Mentem 26)
Features: +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarification

Eye of the Mind
Mentem Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Constantius of Jerbiton (Com +1, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Glossed by Cornelius of Bonisagus

Mentem Summa: Level 17, Quality 6
Author: Psion of Bonisagus (Com -1, Mentem 34)
Features: +1 Glossed

Commentary on Cerebro
Mentem Commentary: Quality 9
Author: Xavier Ex-Miscellanea (Com +1)
Features: +1 Commentary


Riddle of Steel
Terram Summa: Level 18, Quality 12
Author: Daern of Verditius (Com +2, Good Teacher, Terram 40)
Features: +1 Glossed, +1 Minor Resonance, +1 Clarified, -2 Damage

Commentary on the Riddle of Steel
Terram Commentary: Quality 8
Author Antonio of Flambeau (Com +0)
Features: +1 Commentary, +1 Glossed

Commentary on the Riddle of Steel
Terram Commentary: Quality 8
Author Dimir Taar of Verditius (Com +0)
Features: +1 Commentary, +1 Glossed

Commentary on the Riddle of Steel
Terram Commentary: Quality 8
Author Valentino of Flambeau (Com +0)
Features: +1 Commentary, +1 Glossed


Junola’s Thamaturgica
Vim Summa: Level 16, Quality 11
Author: Junola of Bonisagus (Com +1, Good Teacher, Vim 32)
Features: +1 Glossed

The Magical Art of Magic
Vim Summa: Level 10, Quality 16
Author: Lissa of Criamon (Com +5, Good Teacher, Vim 22)
Features: Copied by Amada from Vulcanus's original in summer 1230

The Seventh Circle of Power
Vim Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Arioch of Tremere (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Essence and Quintessence
Vim Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Mordenkainen of Bonisagus (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Fons et Origio
Vim Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Abilities - 617 points

Academic Abilities

De Oratore ad Quintum fratrem libri tres
Artes Liberales Summa: Level 8, Quality 14
Author: Cicero
Features: Copied by Vibria from the library of Sigmundo in spring 1230

Artes Liberales Summa: Level 4, Quality 8
Author: Euclid
Features: -1 Translation

Philsophiae Summa: Level 8, Quality 14
Author: Aristotle
Features: Copied by Nicasi from Tiana's original in summer 1230

Metephysica I & III
Two Philosophia Tractati: Quality 12 each
Author: Aristotle
Notes: Written in Greek, waiting to be translated

In Consideration of Hipocrates and the Art of Corpus
Medicine Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Aaron of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Lecito and Disputiatio
Teaching Tractatus: Quality 14
Author: Arturis of Bonisagus (Com +4, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 high quality materials and penmanship.

Voice of the Nile
Dead Language: Demotic Egyptian Summa: Level 5, Quality 23
Author: Megasthenes of Karpathos (Com +5, Good Teacher)
Features: Written in Roman-era Greek (not modern), copied by Solomon from Sigmundo's library

The Holy Bible (Vulgate)
Christian Theology Summa: *
Author: Various

The Koran
Islamic Theology Summa: *
Author: Muhammad/Gabriel
Features: Written in Arabic

The Torah
Jewish Theology Summa: *
Author: Moses/God
Notes: Written in Hebrew, the Torah is also the primary source for ancient Judaic Lore and the foundation of Rabbinical Law. But those abilities are outside the scope of this game.

A Guide for the Perplexed
Jewish Theology Summa: Level 3, Quality 9
Author: Moses Maimonides (Good Teacher)
Features: -1 Translated, +1 Glossed, Didactic Text (Philosophiae 3)
Notes: Originally written in Arabic, it was translated into Hebrew (and glossed) by Samuel ben Judah in 1204. Carmen obtained this copy in 1220. The subject is primarilly Jewish Theology, but there is a strong subtext of Philosophiae.

Arcane Abilities

Corpus Hermeticum
Magic Theory Summa: Level 8, Quality 12
Author: Bonisagus (Com +3, Magic Theory 17 at the time, Good Teacher)
Notes: This was written by Bonisagus in 762, who is the unparalleled authority upon the subject of Hermetic Magic Theory. It was received as a gift from the covenant of Mistridge in 1148, in an attempt to court favor.

Exploring the Boundaries
Magic Theory Florilegia (3 tractatus): Quality 11, Quality 11, Quality 11
Author: Nigilius of Bonisagus (Com +1, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Florilegia
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Commentary on The Lost Ways
Magic Theory Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Angelus of Mercere (Com +2)
Features: +1 Glossed, +1 Commentary
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Sword of Hermes
Magic Theory Tractatus: Quality 9
Author: Ladislau of Tremere (Com +2)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

The Sorcerer’s Shield
Parma Magica Summa: Level 7, Quality 10
Author: Iarna of Flambeau (Com +0, Good Teacher, Parma Magica 14)
Features: +1 Glossed,
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

Impenetrable Aegis
Parma Magica Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Genevra of Tremere (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Cloak of Shadows
Parma Magica Tractatus: Quality 9
Author: Licinius of Bonisagus (Com +2)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

A Delicate Matter
Finesse Summa: Level 8, Quality 14
Author: Niobe of Jerbiton (Com +5, Good Teacher, Finesse 16)
Notes: Copied by Vocis from the library of Sigmundo in summer 1231

The Accurate Eye
Finesse Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)

Commentary on A Delicate Matter
Finesse Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Eugenia of Jerbiton (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Glossed, +1 Commentary
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Commentary on A Delicate Matter
Finesse Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Delfino of Jerbiton (Com +3)
Features: +1 Commentary
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Penetration Summa: Level 8, Quality 12
Author: Drusus of Tremere, (Com +3, Good Teacher)
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Ultor (The Avenger)
Penetration Summa: Level 5, Quality 11
Author: Elaine of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: Didactic (Parma Magica 5)

The Slow Blade
Penetration Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Girauld of Flambeau (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Reaching the Unreachable
Penetration Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Kunigunde of Ex Miscellanea (Com +4)
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Code of Hermes Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: TBD
Features: Copied by Nicasi from Tiana's original in spring 1230

The Oath and Code of Hermes
Code of Hermes Florilegia (3 tractati): Quality 10, Quality 10, & Quality 8
Authors: Bilera of Gurnicus (Com +2), Crinos of Gurnicus (Com -1, Good Teacher), Ajax of Gurnicus (Com +0)
Editor: Compliled by Iudicium of Gurnicus (Code of Hermes 6); assisted by Laetitia of Gurnicus (Com +3) who wrote the gloss for each text.
Features: +1 Florilegia, +1 Glossed
Notes: Includes a copy of the Oath of Hermes, major rulings of the periphrial code, and miscellaneous rulings from Iberia and Provencal.

The Bright Sun Brings It to Light
Faerie Lore Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: Brunhilde of Merinita (Com +3, Good Teacher, Faerie Lore 12)
Features: +3 Reduced Level
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Collection of Folk Tales
Faerie Lore Tractatus: Quality 9
Author: Ingressa of Jerbiton (Com +3)
Notes: A former member of Andorra, Ingressa took a strong interest in the common folk and the local culture. She spent three years traveling all throughout the Andorran region, even parts of Toulouse and Catalonia, collecting the tales of the common folk and the local fae.

The Spirit Legions
Magic Lore Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: Grigore of Tremere (Com +3, Good Teacher, Magic Lore 12)
Features: +3 Reduced Level
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Catalogue of Magical Beasts and Beings
Magic Lore Summa: Level 3, Quality 9
Author: Ewald of Bonisagus (Com +3, Magic Lore 7)
Features: Didactic (Animal 3)

Commentary on the Catalogue
Magic Lore Commentary: Quality 7
Author:Antonio of Flambeau (Com 0)
Features: +1 Commentary

Gazing on Heaven
Dominion Lore Summa: Level 4, Quality 12
Author: Vincenzo of Jerbiton (Com +2, Good Teacher, Dominion Lore 8)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Into the Abyss
Infernal Lore Summa: Level 3, Quality 10
Author: Biaggia of Tytalus (Com +3, Infernal Lore 6)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

History of the Order of Hermes
Order of Hermes Lore Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: Arturius of Bonisagus
Features: Copied by Nicasi from Tiana's original in spring 1230

The Flambeau Apocrypha
Order of Hermes Lore Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Notes: This tells an alternate tale of the origins of the Founder, as the youngest son of an Austurian noble, named Reculed Seneca. Other facors in his tale include his mentor Delendos, the tragedy of the failed peace talks at Tagus, his legendary Last Stand, and hints at his secret legacy (Eliane was not his apprentice, she was his daughter and became the apprentice of Delendos). It also mentions the prophecy of the Lumina.

Legends of Delendos
Order of Hermes Lore Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Julius of Flambeau (Com +1)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes:This collects the earliest known tales of the Legends of Delendos, and the Gloss modifies and expands upon them. These are stories of the Schism War and the aftermath, the formation of the Knights of Seneca, and the early Lumina Quest tales.

Historia Hermetica
Order of Hermes Lore Summa: Level 6, Quality 13
Author: Arturius of Bonisagus (Com +4, Hermes Lore 12, Good Teacher)
Features: Didactic (Magic Theory 7)
Notes: This is considered the most thourogh and accurate work concerning the history of the Order of Hermes, written by one of the very best Hermetic authors yet known. It is relativly up to date, including events up to 1197. There is gloss noting details of a few events that have since transpired, made in an effort to update the book. But none of these benefit quality, for they refer to well known events that occurred (most likely) in the reader's own lifetime.

Study on the Sorcerer’s Shield
Parma Magica Commentary: Quality 12
Author: Joseph of Flambeau, (Com +2, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Commentary, Didactic (Penetration 5)
Notes: This book was written by Joseph of Flambeau, said to be the greatest writer of his House. This statement was made by Arturis of Bonisagus when he wrote the gloss for this book. The reason he gave was not only for the clarity and quality of his writing, but for the prolific amount of writings he had produced.

Martial Abilities

Institutorium Rei Militarius
Five Tractati: Quality 7 each; Leadership, Profession-Seaman, Profession-Soldier, Single Weapon, & (something else)
Author: Vegetius (Com +1)
Features: -1 Minor Damage, +1 Florilegia

The Knight’s Mirror
Five Tractati: Quality 7 each; Single Weapon, Great Weapon, Etiquette, Riding, & Animal Handling
Author: Don Simon Martinez (Com +1)
Features: -1 Minor Damage, +1 Florilegia

The Almogaver’s Reflection
Five Tractati: Quality 7 each; Single Weapon, Thrown Weapon, Profession-Soldier, Stealth, & Survival
Author: Antonio Perez (Com 0)
Features: +1 Florilegia

The Hammer and the Hand
Brawl Summa: Level 3, Quality 10
Author: Carlos Monzon (Com +1, Brawl 9)
Features: +3 Reduced Level

General Abilities

Tales of the Ummayads
Andalusia Lore Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Unknown

The Empty Cup
Concentration Summa: Level 5, Quality 15
Author: Lexicon of Criamon (Com +3, Good Teacher, Concentration 12)
Features: +3 Reduced Level
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

The King’s Mirror
Bargain Tractatus: Quality 6
Author: an Anonymous Norseman (Com +1)
Features: -1 Minor Damage

On Starmetal
Craft: Blacksmith Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Decimus of Verditius (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Commentary on A Proper Quench
Craft: Blacksmith Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Charles of Ex Miscellanea (Com +0)
Features: +1 Commentary, +1 Glossed
Notes: Purchased in 1233, bound by the Cow & Calf oath

Tales of Hercules
Greek/Theban Lore Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Unknown
Features: -1 Damaged

Chivalry and Honor
Etiquette Tractatus: Quality 6
Author: Mortimer DuFrone (Com +1)
Features: -1 Minor Damage

El Poema de mio Cid
Iberian Lore Tractatus: Quality 11
Author: Unknown

The King’s Mirror
Intrigue Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Benito Giuseppe Menedez (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: -1 Minor Damage
Notes: Not to be confused with a plethora of different books that use the same title

The Centurion's Burden
Leadership Tractatus: Quality 10
Author: Vegetius of Tremere (Com +1, Good Teacher)
Notes: A gift from Carles of Jerbiton in winter 1234.

Geographica Europa
Mythic Europe Lore Summa: Level 4, Quality 9
Author: Robert of Mercere (Com 0, Mythic Europe Lore 8, Good Teacher)
Notes: Encylopedic atlas, contaning many (relitivly accurate) mapes and a summary of information about different regions. Covers most of Hermetic Europe.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

Song of Roland
Pyrenees Lore Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Unknown
Features: -1 Damaged

Spell Mastery

Pietro’s Opus
Spell Mastery Summa: Level 5, Quality 10
Author: Pietro of Flambeau (Com +1, Mastery 12)
Features: +3 Reduced Level
Notes: Pietro ex Flambeau, formerly ex Tytlaus, is famous for his exceptional performance at the Flambeau Tournament. This was his Gauntlet to join House Flambeau, and he defeated seven opponents with his lightning bolts. There are mixed feelings about Pietro. Some despise him and others idolize him. He is an Archmagus, holds the title of Antares, and lives in the Alpine Tribunal. He is also the mentor of Carmen, the daughter and filia of Antonio. Carmen's mastery of the spell already exceeds the level of this summa, but it remains to benefit others.
***May not be copied due to Cow & Calf Oath.

On the Wings of Soaring Wind
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Antonio of Flambeau (Com 0)
Features: +1 Glossed

On the Circling Winds of Protection
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Antonio of Flambeau (Com 0)
Features: +1 Glossed

On the Wizard’s Leap
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Ionicus of Mercere (Com +2)

On the Pilium of Fire
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Quintus V (filus Quinta filia Quintus III) of Flambeau (Com +0)
Features: +1 Glossed,

On the Test of Flames
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Inirelte of Flambeau (Com +1)
Notes: Also teaches the dueling school of Inirelte’s Certamen

On the Arc of Fiery Ribbons
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 8
Author: Quinta of Flambeau (Com +0, Good Teacher)
Features: -1 Flap Bound

On the Invisible Sling of Villano
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 7
Author: Villano of Flambeau (Com +1)

On the Lancea Magica
Spell Mastery Tractatus: Quality 6
Author: Fuego Conflagaratius of Flambeau (Com -1)
Features: +1 Glossed

Casting Tablets

  • CrCo25r Restoration of the Defiled Body (Ritual: 5 Corpus)
  • CrCo40r Incantation of the Body Made Whole (Ritual: 4 Creo, 4 Corpus)
  • CrHe35r The Bountiful Feast (Ritual: 2 Creo, 5 Herbam)
  • MuVi20 Wizard's Communion (Ceremonial)
  • ReVi20r Aegis of the Hearth (Ritual: 4 Vim)
  • ReVi30r Watching Ward (Ritual, 6 Vim)
  • ReVi50r Aegis of the Hearth (Ritual, 4 Rego & 6 Vim)


Animal (62)

Creo Animal
CrCo20 True Rest of the Injured Brute
CrAn20r Caress the Pains of the Beast
CrAn30 Outfit of the Syleish Magus
CrAn35 Wizard’s Mount

Intellego Animal
InAn5 Image of the Beast
InAn10 Shiver of the Lycanthrope
InAn25 Opening the Tome of the Animal’s Mind

Muto Animal
MuAn15 Beast of Outlandish Size
MuAn15 Doublet of Impenetrable Silk
MuAn40 The Steed of Perseus

Perdo Animal
PeAn15 Agony of the Beast
PeAn20 Blunt the Viper’s Fangs
PeAn25 Cripple the Howling Wolf
PeAn25 Eviscerate the Savage Beast

Rego Animal
ReAn5 Circle of Beast Warding
ReAn15 Viper's Gaze
ReAn30 Commanding the Harnessed Beast

Aquam (52)

Creo Aquam
CrAq10 Dagger of Ice
CrAq20 Mighty Torrent of Water
CrAq25 Wall of Snow
CrAq25 Alchemist’s Revenge
CrAq25 Wall of Ice
CrAq25 Grasp of Freezing Ice

Intellego Aquam
InAq5 Subtle Taste of Poison and Purity
InAq5 Touch of the Pearls

Muto Aquam
MuAq5 Water to Wine
MuAq20 Lungs of the Fish

Perdo Aquam
PeAq5 Comfort of the Drenched Traveler
PeAq20 Parching Wind
PeAq25 Curse of the Desert

Rego Aquam
ReAq5 Cloak of Duck’s Feathers
ReAq10 Fount of Scalding Steam
ReAq30 Bridge of Frost

Auram (69)

Creo Auram
CrAu5 Air’s Ghostly Form
CrAu5 Chamber of Spring Breezes
CrAu10 Jupiter’s Resounding Blow
CrAu15 Broom of the Winds
CrAu15 Charge of the Angry Winds
CrAu20 Circling Winds of Protection
CrAu20 Fist of Jupiter
CrAu25 Clouds of Rain and Thunder
CrAu25 Clouds of Summer Snow
Cr(Re)Au30 Wings of Soaring Wind
CrAu35 Incantation of Lightning
CrAu35 Fulgurous Orb
CrAu40 Breath of the Open Sky

Intellego Auram
InAu15 True Sight of the Air
InAu15 Whispering Winds

Muto Auram
MuAu20 Rain of Stones

Perdo Auram
PeAu15 Room of Stale Air
PeAu20 Quiet the Raging Winds

Rego Auram
ReAu5 Wind at the Back
ReAu10 Ward against Rain
ReAu20 Traveling Thistledown
ReAu25 Call of Aeolus' Servants

Corpus (103)

Creo Corpus
CrCo20r The Chirurgeon’s Gentle Caress
CrCo20r Gentle Caress of the Purified Body
CrCo20 Purification of the Festering Wound
CrCo25r The Severed Limb made Whole
CrCo30r Gentle Caress of Asclepius
CrCo40r Incantation of the Body Made Whole

Intellego Corpus
InCo15 Sight of the True Form
InCo20 The Inexorable Search
InCo30 Eyes of the Sage

Muto Corpus
MuCo15 Preternatural Growth & Shrinking
MuCo(An)20 Eyes of the Housecats
MuCo25 Gift of the Bear’s Fortitude
MuCo25 Shape of the Woodland Prowler
MuCo25 Turb of Giants
MuCo30 Cloak of Black Feathers

Perdo Corpus
PeCo15 Pain of the Wizard’s Gaze
PeCo15 The Wound That Weeps
PeCo30 Evisceration of a Thousand Knives

Rego Corpus
ReCo15 Endurance of the Berserkers
ReCo15 Spellbinding Gaze of the Sorceror
ReCo15 Wizard's Leap
ReCo20 Incantation of Paralyzation
ReCo20 The Gift of Vigor
ReCo30 It's Raining Men
ReCo30 Seven League Stride
ReCo35 Leap of Homecoming
ReCo40 The Tireless Servant (lesser enchanted device)

Herbam (76)

Creo Herbam
CrHe5 The Sheild Grog's Trusted Friend
CrHe15 Trap of the Entwining Vines
CrHe20 Bridge of Wood
CrHe20 Hail of a Score of Arrows
CrHe20 Wall of Thorns
CrHe25 Conjure the Wooden Sanctuary
CrHe25 Red Ribbons of Restriction
CrHe25 Wall of Living Wood
CrHe30r Conjuration of the Pleasant Cottage
CrHe35r The Bountiful Feast

Intellego Herbam
InHe4 Probe Nature’s Hidden Lore
InHe5 Hunt for the Wild Herb
InHe15 Shriek of the Wooden Shafts

Muto Herbam
MuHe15 Aegis of Unbreakable Wood
MuHe15 Rope of Bronze
MuHe20 Thaumaturgical Transformation of Plants to Iron

Perdo Herbam
PeHe5 Curse of the Rotted Wood
PeHe20 Plant's Withering Bane

Rego Herbam
ReHe10 Repel the Wooden Shafts
ReHe10 The Unseen Archer
ReHe15 Tangle of Wood & Thorns
ReHe25 Ward against Wood (+15 Soak)

Ignem (90)

Creo Ignem
CrIg5 Heating the Frigid Hall
CrIg10 Lamp Without Flame
CrIg10 Heat of the Searing Forge
CrIg15 Flash of the Scarlet Flames
CrIg15 Test of Flames
CrIg20 Pilium of Fire
CrIg20 Sword of the Avenger
CrIg25 Arc of Fiery Ribbons
CrIg25 Sun’s Scorching Caress
CrIg30 Lance of Archimedes
CrIg35 Ball of Abysmal Flame
CrIg35 Eyes of Flame
CrIg 45 Phoenix Lance of Solar Fury

Intellego Ignem
InIg5 Analysis of the Sacred Flame
InIg5 Compass of the Vigilant Flame
InIg5 Tales of the Ashes
InIg15 Shadows of Fires Past

Muto Ignem
MuIg5 The Many Hued Conflagiration
MuIg10 Show of the Flames and Smoke
MuIg10 Hornet Fire

Perdo Ignem
PeIg10 Winter’s Icy Touch
PeIg20 Sooth the Raging Flames
PeIg20 Wizard’s Touch of Cold
PeIg25 Conjuration of the Indubitable Cold
Pe(Re)Ig25 Wizard’s Theft of Warmth
PeIg30 Wizard’s Icy Grip

Rego Ignem
ReIg25 Ward against Heat & Flames
ReIg25 Ward against Cold & Frost

Imaginem (78)

Creo Imaginem
CrIm5 Relay the Vision of the Magus
CrIm20 Phantasmal Fire
CrIm35 Haunt of the Living Ghost
CrIm40 The Shadow of Human Life

Intellego Imaginem
InIm5 Prying Eyes
InIm15 Discern own Illusions
InIm20 Discern Images of Truth & Falsehood
InIm20 Ear for the Distant Voice
InIm25 Eye’s of the Eagle
InIm25 Eyes of the Owl
InIm25 Summoning the Distant Image

Muto Imaginem
MuIm5 Taste of the Spices & Herbs
MuIm10 Aura of the Bawdy Wench
MuIm10 Aura of Beguiling Appearance
MuIm10 Aura of Childlike Innocence
MuIm10 Aura of Ennobled Presence
MuIm10 Aura of the Rejected Wretch
MuIm10 Aura of Ridiculous Fool
MuIm10 Notes of a Delightful Sound
MuIm15 Disguise of the Transformed Image

Perdo Imaginem
PeIm10 Illusion of Cool Flames
PeIm15 Invisibility of the Standing Wizard
PeIm15 Invisibility of the Concentrating Wizard
PeIm20 Dispel the Phantom Image
PeIm20 Veil of Invisibility
Rego Imaginem
ReIm15 Wizard’s Sidestep

Mentem (77)

Creo Mentem
CrMe10 Words of Unbroken Silence
CrMe15 Heart of the Lion
CrMe(In)30 The Silent Conversation

Intellego Mentem
InMe20 Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie
InMe20 Posing the Silent Question
InMe25 Thoughts Within Babble
InMe30 Reveal the Hidden Detail of the Day
InMe35 Posing the Truly Silent Question
InMe45 Spectral Communion

Muto Mentem
MuMe20 My Old and Dear Friend

Perdo Mentem
PeMe5 Tip of the Tongue
PeMe10 Trust of Childlike Faith
PeMe15 Lay to Rest the Haunting Spirit
PeMe15 Calm the Motion of the Heart
PeMe15 Loss of but a Moment’s Memory
PeMe25 Blessing of Childlike Bliss
PeMe25 The Missing Face in the Mind's Eye

Rego Mentem
ReMe15 Confusion of the Numbed Will
ReMe15 Allay the Warrior's Fears
ReMe20 Aura of Rightful Authority
ReMe20 Mind Trick of the Tremere

Terram (81)

Creo Terram
CrTe15 Sword from the Unseen Scabbard
CrTe20 Sphere of Delendos
CrTe20r Touch of Midas
CrTe30 Silvery Scales of the Knight
CrTe35 A Simple Method for Rapid Vallation
CrTe35r Conjuring the Mystic Tower

Intellego Terram
InTe15 Howl of the Steel Weapons

Muto Terram
MuTe20 Edge of the Razor
MuTe25 Hardness of Adamite

Perdo Terram
PeTe10 Fist of Shattering
PeTe15 Pit of the Gaping Earth
PeTe15 Undoing the Stonemason’s Handiwork
PeTe20 Stone to Falling Dust:
PeTe20 Obliteration of the Metallic Barrier
PeTe25 End of the Mighty Castle
PeTe30 Hauberk of Sublime Lightness

Rego Terram
ReTe10 Invisible Sling of Vilano
ReTe15 Hands of the Grasping Earth
ReTe20 Crest of the Earth Wave
ReTe25 Wizard’s Ward against Weapons (+15 soak)

Vim (83)

Creo Vim
CrVi10 Mark the Arcane Connection (base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
CrVi20r Restoration of the Magical Might
CrVi25r Bind the Arcane Connection (base 4, +4 Arcane, +1 Part)
CrVi30 The Enigma's Gift

Intellego Vim
InVi5 Sense the Nature of Vis
InVi5 Scales of the Magical Weight

Muto Vim
MuVi20 Wizard's Communion
MuVi40 Wizard's Reach (Corpus)

Perdo Vim
PeVi5 Demon’s Eternal Oblivion
PeVi5 Sap the Griffon’s Strength
PeVi5 Words Wrought of Iron
PeVi15 Lancea Magica
PeVi15 Winds of Mundane Silence:
PeVi20 Demon’s Eternal Oblivion
PeVi20 Unraveling the Fabric of Corpus
PeVi20 Unraveling the Fabric of Imaginem
PeVi20 Unraveling the Fabric of Mentem
PeVi20 Unraveling the Fabric of Vim
PeVi30 Unraveling the Fabric of Imaginem

Rego Vim
ReVi15 Transfer the Essence of Vis
ReVi10 Ward against Demons
ReVi15 Personal Ward Against Demons
ReVi20r Aegis of the Hearth
ReVi20 Circular Ward against Demons
ReVi20 Maintaining the Demanding Spell
ReVi35 Maintaining the Demanding Spell
ReVi20 Opening the Intangible Tunnel
ReVi30 Opening the Intangible Tunnel
ReVi40 Opening the Intangible Tunnel
ReVi30r Watching Ward
ReVi30 Circular Ward Against Demons

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