Magic Might: 10 (Mentem)
Level: (Grog, Legendary Power, Spring)
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +1, Com +0, Pre +0, Str +0, Sta +1, Dex +2, Quik +2
Size: +0
Virtues: +0 Magical Human, +0 Covenfolk, +1 Affinity with Craft, +1 Intuition
Flaws: -1 Fear (of the outside world), -1 Covenant Upbringing
Qualities: +3 Improved Abilities, +2 Personal Powers (50 levels), +2 Improved Powers (20 Mastery Points) , +1 Lesser Powers (25 levels), +1 Mentem Resistance, +1 Second Sight, +1 Student of the Magic Realm, +1 Unaffected by the Gift
Inferiorities: -1 Restricted Power, -1 Susceptible to Deprivation
Personality Traits: Loyal +2, Brave -1, Agoraphobic +3
Fistfight: Init +2, Atk +4, Def +4, Dmg +0
Knife: Init +2, Atk +6, Def +5, Dmg +2
Soak: +2
Fatigue: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, ko
Wounds: -1 Lt (1-5), -3 Med (6-10), -5 Hvy (11-15), Incap (16-20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Old Provencal 5 (Periditu dialect), Awareness 2 (danger), Brawl 1 (knife), Carouse 2 (drinking songs), Craft/Profession-(type)* 6 (specialization), Concentration 2 (silent speech), Folk Ken 3 (Aerie Clan), Intrigue 2 (gossip), Magic Lore 1+2, Mentem Resistance 2 (spells), Profession/Craft-(second type) 4 (specialization), Second Sight 2 (spirits), Stealth 2 (quiet), Val-Negra Lore 2 (Aerie Clan)
Aura of Unnoticeable Presence 0 points, Init n/a, Imaginem
R: Per, D: Constant, T: Ind
Standing Invisibility 0 points, Init +0, Imaginem
R: Per, D: Sun or until he moves, T: Ind
Thoughts within Babble 0 points, Init -2, Mentem
R: Per, D: Sun, T: Hearing
Silent Speech of the Aerie Clan 0 points, Init +1, Mentem
R: Eye/Sight, D: Mom/Conc, T: Ind/Group
Equipment: Axe, Tools of his Trade
Encumbrance: 0
Vis: 2 Mentem in brains
Background: Female Aerie Clam names are also strange. Common female names include Alishica, Jocasta, Prisillia, Samana, and Tameron.
Typical Female Clan Member